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Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture

Dr. P.K.Mishra

Dean Faculty of Agriculture
Tele-Fax: 0761-2681200

Mob.: 9425359690
S.No. Name Designation Specialization Mailing address, Phone/ Mobile nos., e-mail address
1. P.K.Mishra Dean Faculty of Agriculture Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics Specialization in Agriculture Marketing & Production Dean Faculty of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur
E-mail :
2. Dr. S.K. Gupta Principal Scientist /Technical Officer Ph.D. (Agril. Economics & Farm Management) G- 1 / 22, Gopal Vihar Colony, Gopal Bagh, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482002 , Mob.: 9977210167
3. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Asstt. Professor Ph.D. (Fungal Pathology) F/36, Krishi Nagar Colony, Adhartal, JNKVV,
Jabalpur 482 004

Supporting Staff

S.No. Name Designation Specialization Mailing address, Phone/ Mobile nos., e-mail address
1. Mr. N.K. Shukla I/c Academic / Establishment M.Com. H.No.252, Dixitpura, Jabalpur 482002, Mo.No. 9425357123
2. Mr. K.N. Mourya Asstt. Gr. III B.A. G- 127, Krishi Nagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur, Mo. No. 9424686499
3. Mr. Girdhari Patal Asstt. Gr. III HSSC Sanjay Nagar, Adhartal- Jabalur 482 004 Mo. No. 74151 09909
4. Mr. Ugra Sen Asstt. Gr. III B.Sc. / M.A. H.No. 35/2255, Sanjay Nagar, Adhartal- Jabalpur 482 004 Mob.: 9479714783
5. Mr. A.P. Verma Peon 5th Neta Coloney Adhartal Jabalpur Ph.No.2680810 (R)

Agricultural Education:-

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya came into existence on 2nd October, 1964 and has been the seat of Agro-Technology and Human Resource Development in Central India. Its mission is to impart education in agriculture and its allied sciences so as to provide human resource for meeting the future challenges.

Colleges under Faculty of Agriculture :-

At present there are five constituent Colleges at Jabalpur, Rewa, Tikamgarh, Ganj Basoda (Vidisha), and Waraseoni (Balaghat) and one Horticultural Vocational Education Institute, Garhakota (Sagar) under faculty of Agriculture.

S.No. Name of the Colleges / Institute Year of Establishment
1. College of Agriculture, Jabalpur 1955
2. College of Agriculture, Rewa 1955
3. College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh 2004
4. College of Agriculture, Ganj Basoda 2007
5. College of Agriculture, Waraseoni (Balaghat) 2012 (Session 2012-13)
6. Horticulture Vocational Education Institute, (DHRTC), Garhakota (Sagar) 2008

Departments in the Faculty of Agriculture

S.No. Departments
1. Agronomy
2 Agricultural Biotechnology
3 Agricultural Economics & F.M
4 Entomology
5 Extension Education
6 Food Science & Technology
7 Forestry
8 Horticulture
9 Language & Basic Science
10 Mathematics & Statistics
11 Genetics & Plant Breeding
12 Plant Pathology
13 Plant Physiology
14 Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

Academic Programme :-

The JNKVV, is imparting education at the under graduate and postgraduate levels in the Faculty of Agriculture (including Forestry).
The Faculty of Agriculture offers Two Bachelor’s Degree programme viz. B.Sc. (Ag.) and B.Sc. (Forestry), and three Master’s Degree programmes, i.e. M.Sc.(Ag.),M.Sc. (Forestry), and Master of Agri-Business Management. In addition, the university has also started one diploma course in Horticulture on (1) Seed Production (2) Nursery Management, at Horticulture Vocational Education Institute, Rangua, Garhakota, District Sagar. The Diploma courses are of two years duration (4 semesters) with a capacity of 40 students in each course.

Admission Programme :-

Admission to UG degree programme is through entrance test (PAT) conducted by Professional Examination Board, Bhopal. The under graduate admission for free seats are given as per (PAT) merit list. Payment seats are 20% of intake capacity and NRI/Foreign National (5%) are admitted as per State Govt. approval. In addition to this, 15% seats are filled through ICAR all India entrance test performance, Admission to P.G. programme is strictly based on merit of U.G. programme. Fifty per cent of seats are reserved for various reserve categories of candidates. The benefit of reservation to candidates of different categories (SC- 15%, ST- 21% and OBC-14%) is given at UG and P.G. level as per State Government Policy.

Availability of Seats in U.G. programme

S.No. Colleges No. of Seats TotalSeats
Free (All Category)
Intake Capacity
Payment + NRI + ICAR 20% + 5% + 15%
1. Agriculture BSc.(Ag.)
Jabalpur 60 12 + 03 + 09 84
Rewa 60 12 + 03 + 09 84
Tikamgarh          260  60 12 + 03 + 09 84
Ganj Basoda (Vidisha) 40 08 + 02 + 06 56
Waraseoni (Balaghat) 40 08 + 02 + 06 56
Sub Total 1 260 52 + 13 + 39 364
2. Forestry B.Sc. (Forestry)
Jabalpur 20 04 + 01 + 03 28
Sub Total 2 20 04 + 01 + 03 28

Rural Agricultural Work Experience RAWE / FWE :-

B.Sc. (Ag.) / Forestry IVth year students participated in the Rural Agricultural Works Experience RAWE / FWE in first semester as detailed below :-

Year No. of students participated
2001-02 466
2002-03 279
2003-04 395
2004-05 506
2005-06 412
2006-07 451
2007-08 477
2008-09 493
2009-10 219
2010-11 254
2011-12 257
2012-13 267

Educational structure :-

The quality education is the top most priority with main thrust on improving the infrastructure and teaching capabilities of the faculty. The ongoing courses of B.Sc. (Agriculture), & B.Sc. (Forestry) have been restructured as per IVth Deans Committee Recommendation of ICAR and introduced from academic session 2007-08.
The Education for all the programmes is through Semester system with 10 point scale for evaluation. The Academic council of the university is responsible for review and modification of the curriculum and syllabi periodically. Apart from theory and practical courses some innovative programmes are also introduced to expose the students to the real farming and farmers conditions, viz. Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) and Forest Works Experience (FWE). Fourth Deans Committee also introduced Experiential Learning/ Hands on Training programmes for U.G. students for providing adequate confidence and entrepreneurial skills to start vocation. The courses on Experiential Learning / Hands on Training programmes are also introduced in all the college of agriculture at UG level from the academic session 2010-11.
All the colleges of Agriculture are equipped with adequate facilities to carry out teaching and research activities except recently established College of Agriculture, Waraseoni (Balaghat).

Centre of Advanced Studies :-

Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) New Delhi has recognized the Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur as a Centre of Advanced Studies in Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry since 1995.. The centre is engaged in organizing various training programmes in which Scientsts/Teachers and other research workers from different states participate and update their knowledge and skill, in all these training programmes besides JNKVV trainers, eminent scientists, resource persons from other universities and subject matter specialist from their field of specialization are invited to deliver lectures.

Diploma Course in Horticulture :-

In addition to the regular degree programmes the Vishwa Vidyalaya has started two- year diploma course at Horticulture Vocational Education Institute, (Dryland Horticulture Research and Training Centre), Rangua, Garhakota, District Sagar from October 2008 in “Seed Production” and “Nursery Management”. The intake capacity in each subject is 40. The admission are given as per merit list based on the results of 10+2 programme. The benefit of reservation to different categories is given as per policy of State Govt.

Up gradation of teaching facilities :-

Under the one time catch up grant received from ICAR, works on renovation / modernization of class rooms, laboratories, hostels, departments, library and other teaching facilities have been carried out at all the campii.

Implementation of Experiential Learning Modules at different Colleges of Agriculture :-

All Seven Modules will run at College of Agriculture, Jabalpur, only 03 Modules namely Crop Production, Crop Protection & Horticulture will run at College of Agriculture, Rewa, Tikamgarh & Ganj Basoda.

Sr.No. Modules College of Agril. Jabalpur College of Agril. Rewa College of Agril. Tikamgarh College of Agril. Ganj Basoda
1.  Crop Production Yes Yes Yes Yes
2. Crop Protection Yes Yes Yes Yes
3. Horticulture Yes Yes Yes Yes
4. Post Harvest Technology & Value Addition Yes - - -
5. Agril. Business Management Yes - - -
6. Social Science Yes - - -
7. Basic Science Yes - - -

Experiential Learning Unit sanctioned by the ICAR

S.No. Name of Experiential Learning Unit Departments / College Year of Sanction
1.  Fruits & Vegetable processing Agricultural Engineering (PHT), Jabalpur 2006-07
2. Plant Tissue Culture Biotechnology, JNKVV, Jabalpur 2006-07
3. Mass Production of Bioagents & Biopesticide Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur 2008-09
4. Visual and Graphic Communication Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur 2011-12
5. Commercial Horticulture Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur 2011-12
6. Protected Cultivation of High Valued Horticulture Crops Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Rewa 2012-13
7. Nursery Management of Horticultural Crop Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh 2012-13
8. Organic Farming Products Unit Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur 2013-14
9. Seed Production & Technology Department of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Ganj Basoda 2013-14


Krishinagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur
482004 (M.P.) INDIA
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