JNKVV varieties are covering 40% area of India
JG 11 brought the chickpea revolution in A.P.
JG 74, JG 130, JAKI 9218, JG 16, JG 63 have made diversification
JG 14 identified as heat tolerant variety
Introduction of Kabuli chickpea varieties led to expansion of 15% area
Impact on Seed Front
Since two decades maximum indent has been placed for JNKVV Varieties
JG 11, JG 130 , JG 16 having maximum indent
Seed replacement rate 4-6% has been achieved
JG 11 brought revolution in A.P.
5 fold increase in chickpea area (1.20-6.38 lac ha)
Yield has almost doubled (750-1468 Kg/ha)
10-fold increase in production (90,000-9,37,000 t)
Adoption of improved cultivars
95% area under improved cultivars
80% area under JG 11
Diversified Chickpea varieties for different Agro ecosystems