Digital India
Agriculture Technology Information Centre(ATIC)

The Agricultural technology information centre (ATIC) is a "Single Window System" linking the various units of research institutions with intermediary users and end users (farmers) in decision-making and problem solving exercise. Thus, the project is being implemented at JNKVV, Jabalpur with the following objectives.

ATIC entrance

Objectives of ATIC

  • To provide a ‘single window system’ for the products and plants species available from JNKVV and its institutes to the farmers and other interested groups as a process of innovativeness in technology dissemination at the institute level
  • To facilitate direct access to the farmers, to the institution resources available in terms of technology, advise technology product etc for reducing technology dissemination losses
  • To provide mechanism for feedback from the users to the institute

Strengthening the sale of Jawahar products like seeds, culture, planting material, vegetable seeds, medicinal and aromatic plants, farm implements, fingerling, poultry & dairy products.

Dr. Dinkar Prasad Sharma
Joint Director Extension


Technological Inputs 
Technical inputs with coordination with the production unit of JNKVV are producing Jawahar seeds of improved varieties, planting materials of ornamental plants, fruit trees and other plant material, mushroom spawn, medicinal and aromatic plants and seeds and bio-fertilizers which are being produced and sold in respective production units except technical literature, seed and honey which is sold by ATIC

Technological Products / Processed Products sold
In coordination with the production and processing units of JNKVV, technology products like milk, horticultural products, animals and animal products, mushroom, implements etc are sold from respective units.

Priced Publications sold
Communication Centre in the directorate of extension services has well equipped infrastructure and all the publication including package of practices, special issues and other technical literatures are published by this centers as priced publications and sold from ATIC.

Un-priced Publications
The Directorate of Extension / College / ZARS / KVKs regularly organizes Kisan Mela, Kisan Sangosthi, monthly meeting and scientist farmers interfaces. During these occasions a large number of farmers participate. In these programmes, technical literature comprising of pamphlets, leaflets, technical brochures and folders are provided free of cost.

Diagnostic Services
Diagnostics services like soil testing, water testing, plant clinic, covering field crops, horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic crops and animal clinic are rendered.

Farm Advisory Services provided to farmers
To update knowledge and skill among the farmers and farm workers. Farm Advisory services like personal visits, through letters, telephone help line. Farmers field visits, kisan sangosthi, farmers scientists interface. Use of print and electronic media are being used effectively. A special biweekly programme entitled "Sawal kisano ke Jababe Vigyaniko dawara" was initiated in collaboration with AIR. Jabalpur. Bhopal. Indore and other AIR stations of the State for replying the farmer's queries. ATIC also serves farming community through annual structured T.V. programme under "Gram Mangal".

Visits of farmers and other stakeholders to ATIC
Farmers and field extension officers of state department of agriculture, Horticulture, Veterinary of M.P. and other states visited ATIC.

Feedback from farmers
The farmers and field extension functionaries are regularly approaching the centre for seeking advisement particularly on crop diversification, rain water management, organic farming, management of live stock and income generating activities, like mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, lac production, sericulture and backyard poultry, varmi compost production & Piggery. As per the feed back the centre organize training programme on various aspect.

Technology Displayed
About 35 laminated photographs depicting a various technologies related to Agriculture, Veterinary and Agriculture Engineering. The photograph are enough to tell the farmers regarding the technologies of the university generated for various sections of the farmers.

Sale of various products
Sale of various products such as crop seed and seed of medicinal and aromatic plants, planting material, plants of fruit trees, all are being sold from the respective units of the University and the income generated goes to the respective units. Literature, seed and honey bee sale through sale counter of ATIC.

Enquiry / Letters
Farmers Visited



Krishinagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur
482004 (M.P.) INDIA
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Er. Bharati Dass
(Associate Professor)
Instrument Development & Service Centre
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