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Agri Business Development

Business Planning and Development Unit

Business Planning and Development Unit is set up under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in collaboration with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi at Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University (JNAU), Jabalpur to facilitate commercialization of the innovative agro-technologies through agri-business development thereby benefitting the farmers.


  • Promotion of market responsive products and technologies through effective entrepreneurship development.
  • Promotion of public private partnership for commercialization of technologies.
  • Human Resource Development for entrepreneurship promotion.

Seed sector is one of the focus areas for commercialization of technologies


Business Support Services of BPD-JNAU

BPD-JNAU is offering membership to individual entrepreneurs, cooperative societies, companies and other agribusiness ventures. By becoming a member of the BPD unit, seed production organizations/ companies/ societies/ individual can avail various business development services from JNAU, Jabalpur.
As a seed production and marketing organization they can get immense benefit by becoming a member. Besides priority access to breeder seeds of improved varieties on the basis of availability a host of other services would be provided on payment basis.
Business Incubation Services are being provided by the BPD Unit for agribusiness ventures in seed sector. All the services would be provided to the entrepreneurs against the payment of requisite fees.

Seed Ventures

Seed business Incubation is a programme of BPD-JNAU aimed at promoting rural seed business ventures so as to bridge the gap between the demand and supply in the seed industry through public – private partnership. Following support services are provided for seed ventures.

Support Services

  • Project Reports: Detailed project reports for the seed business could be prepared.
  • Capacity Building: Training would be given to the company officials to upgrade relevant skill sets required for running the business.
  • Breeder Seed Supply: Breeder seeds of for various crops would be supplied to the companies considering the availability.
  • Quality Control: BPD unit can facilitate quality control of on field seed production as well as seed testing for specific parameters.
  • Processing: Besides imparting training on seed processing companies can process their seeds through processing facilities of JNAU.
  1. Seed Technology Services offered by JNAU

    Seed Technology Research Unit is established at JNAU with all modern facilities for seed quality assurance. Highly qualified and experienced scientists are working in this unit. Following services are available from the Seed Technology Research Unit.

    • Seed Quality Testing Companies and individuals can avail following seed testing services from the STR unit.
      Physical purity Viability
      Germination Genetic purity through GOT and ODV
      Moisture content Seed health
    • Human Resource Development Professionals in seed business are imparted skill development programmes on following subjects.
      Seed Business Development Hybrid seed production
      Seed production Seed testing
      Seed certification PPV and FRA
    • Orientation
      Teachers Seed inspector
      Researchers Field inspector
    • Assistance
      Protection of varieties, farmers' varieties and land races
      Seed production | Seed processing | Seed storage
  2. Biotechnological Services offered by JNAU to Seed Companies:
    1. Production of Double haploids.
    2. Marker Assisted Breeding Technology.
    3. Identification of virus free plants.
    4. Custom based seed production.
      • Consortium for Seed Business is established in JNAU for promotion of hybrid technologies.
      • One time consortium membership fee is Rs. 1.0 lakh only. Membership is valid for a maximum of 5 years.
      • Member companies have access to parent materials of JNAU released hybrid cultivars on non exclusive basis on payment of fees fixed for each crop.
      • University offers technical consultancy services for hybrid seed production and members can avail the services of the University to test the performance of their hybrid seed on cost basis.

      Guidelines of JNAU – Private Seed Sector Research and Technology Consortium

      • The name of the consortium is JNAU – Private Seed Sector Research and Technology Consortium.
      • Under this, various crop based consortium will function and initially this may cover the following crops:
        • Rice
        • Horticultural Crops
        • Pulses
        • Wheat
        • Millets
        • Maize
        • Oilseeds
      • Seed companies willing to become a member of the consortium can pay a onetime consortium membership fee of @ Rs.1 lakh.
      • This membership is valid for a maximum of 5 years.
      • Member companies have access to the parent materials of JNAU released hybrid cultivars on payment of Rs 5 lakhs for each hybrid of one crop.
      • Seed Company shall sign an agreement with JNAU agreeing to the prescribed terms and conditions.
      • JNAU shall supply parental seeds i.e. seeds of female parents required to raise in 0.4 hectare of Hybrid Seed Production Block and seed materials of male parents required to raise in 0.2 ha. (2:1 ratio) immediately on receipt of license amount and signing of MOU and also A,B,R line seeds for their seed increase on 0.4 ha area for A x B & 0.2 ha for B and R lines depending upon the availability of seeds till expiry of the membership.
      • For further requirement, JNAU will supply equal quantity of additional parental seed on payment of cost as per the existing JNAU procedure.
      • Seed Company should not grant sub-license or transfer or permit to any other company.
      • Member Seed companies can get the hybrid seeds of other hybrids subject to availability of hybrids on cost basis to test their performance in various desirable locations.
      • Member Company shall not make resale or use the parent materials in any breeding programme without the permission of JNAU. If such permission is granted, it should be subjected to benefit sharing and IPR norms.
      • Member Company shall be responsible for all liabilities for germination and quality of the seeds produced and marketed.
      • Member Company shall get the seed certified from the competent authority, if required by fulfilling the legal obligations in accordance with the statutory provisions in force without any liability to JNAU.
      • If any liability arises due to the quality of commercially marketed seed, Seed Company is fully responsible for it. However, for the quality of Breeder Seed of the parents, supplied by the university, it will be the responsibility of the university.
      • JNAU shall offer technical services for hybrid seed production plot visits as per consultancy charges as per VV rules.
      • Member Company has to furnish feedback on quarterly basis on the popularization and spread of the hybrid and it should also be presented in the consortium meeting to be held twice in a year prior to Kharif and Rabi seasons at Jabalpur.
      • Member Company should use JNAU nomenclature of the Crop Variety as in notification on all seed packets produced under MOU with JNAU.
      • JNAU shall also coordinate multi-location trial of hybrids developed by the consortium members as per JNAU product testing consultancy rules.
      • Consortium Advisory committee as proposed will be established after receipt of the consortium membership amount.
      • Seed Companies willing to become the members of the above consortium are requested to send their consent letter along with the onetime consortium membership fee of @ Rs.1 lakh
      • The membership fee may please be drawn as Demand draft drawn in favour of "BPD-JNAU Revolving Fund Account, payable at Jabalpur.
      • Any dispute is subject to Jabalpur jurisdiction only.

      Form 1

      Terms and conditions

      • Membership will be granted to seed companies after evaluation by an expert committee of the university.
      • Membership is valid for five years from the date of enrollment.
      • Members of JNAU-Seeds Industry Consortium will be eligible to produce and market improved varieties or hybrids developed in JNAU under licensing agreement. Licensing fee will be paid separately for each variety/hybrid which will be communicated from time to time.
      • Released and pipeline hybrids would be provided to member companies for testing purpose. The quantity of seeds to be supplied will be determined considering the availability of the seeds in JNAU.
      • Member Company will be eligible for starting up research collaborations with JNAU.
      • An advisory board will be constituted under the chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor of JNAU, to oversee the activities of the consortium. Besides, senior officers from JNAU two representatives from member seed companies will be taken in the advisory body.
      • Members will be entitled for discount to participate conferences and trainings organized by BPD Unit, JNAU. The extent of discount will be communicated before the events.
      • Names of the consortium members will be displayed in the website of BPD Unit, JNAU.
      • In case of a company getting merged or taken over by another company, the membership will be inherited by the merged entity or the company which took over the control.
      • Any dispute arising out of the partnerships will be subject to the jurisdiction of Jabalpur.

      Form 1
      Form 1

      Terms and conditions

      • Membership fees have to be paid by Demand Draft only.
      • Services to be provided to members may be revised and would be informed to the members.
      • If there are disputes related to any particular term or condition will be sought first through mutual discussion. Any controversy, claim, or dispute arising will be settled the legal jurisdiction of Jabalpur only.


Krishinagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur
482004 (M.P.) INDIA
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Instrument Development & Service Centre
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  Kulgeet (V) 2018(1)

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