Hybrid Rice

Bring hybrid rice revolution through development of early hybrid rice varieties JRH 4, JRH 5 and JRH 8 and this has resulted to utilize rice fallow through cultivation of chickpea in upland rice growing area

  • JNKVV has distinction in the development of early rice hybrids

  • Early maturing rice hybrids will be boon to 6 million hectares rainfed rice area

  • The hybrid seed production technology commercialized through

Farmers Participatory Seed Production

Public Private Partnership

Seed production at JNKVV farms

Development of Early Rice Hybrids

JRH-4 Maturity: 100-105 days

Yield: 70-75 q/ha

Grain: Long Bold

JRH-5 Maturity: 100-105 days

Yield: 75-80 q/ha

Grain: Long slender with intermediate


JRH-8 Maturity: 105-110 days

Yield: 75-80 q/ha

Identified at national level for upland and

saline situation

Suitability: Double cropping under rainfed situation (Rice-Gram)
new tapping device