Bring hybrid rice revolution through development of early hybrid rice varieties
JRH 4, JRH 5 and JRH 8 and this has resulted to utilize rice fallow through cultivation
of chickpea in upland rice growing area
JNKVV has distinction in the development of early rice hybrids
Early maturing rice hybrids will be boon to 6 million hectares rainfed rice area
The hybrid seed production technology commercialized through
Farmers Participatory Seed Production
Public Private Partnership
Seed production at JNKVV farms
Development of Early Rice Hybrids
JRH-4 Maturity: 100-105 days
Yield: 70-75 q/ha
Grain: Long Bold
JRH-5 Maturity: 100-105 days
Yield: 75-80 q/ha
Grain: Long slender with intermediate
JRH-8 Maturity: 105-110 days
Yield: 75-80 q/ha
Identified at national level for upland and
saline situation
Suitability: Double cropping under rainfed situation (Rice-Gram)