Digital India
Ad hoc / Sponsored / NAIP Projects

List of on-going Ad hoc Projects (position as on 1.11.2013)

S. No Title Amount (in lacs) Duration Name of PI
1 Rapid conversion of normal maize inbreeds to quality protein maize and further enhancement of limiting amino acids in elite inbreeds through marker assisted selection 52.61 1.11.09 30.10.14 Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Biotechnology Centre
JNKVV, Jabalpur
2 Identification of potential vegetation for bio drainage and fitting in evaluation of bio drainage in Tawa Command of Madhya Pradesh 55.52 1.4.2010 31.3.2015 Dr. N. N. Pathak
Head, Agroforestry
3 Isolation and characterization of phygene from fungi and its transformation in Avena sativa (Oat) 3.95 July 2010 Continued till date Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Principal Scientist (Biotech)
JNKVV. Jabalpur
4 Marker assisted breeding of abiotic stress tolerant rice varieties with major QTLs for drought, submergence and salt tolerance at Rewa. 48.60 1.11.2010 31.10.2015 Dr. P. Perajju
Senior Scientist (PB)
5 Integrated Agri-biotechnologies of socio-economic upliftment of Baiga and Gond tribes of Madhya Pradesh 108.48 1.1.2011 31.12.2014 Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Principal Scientist (Biotech)
JNKVV. Jabalpur
6 Preservation of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa roxburg.) by gamma radiation. 17.55 1.4.2011 31.3.2014 Dr. S. S. Shukla
Sr. Scientist (PB)
7 Seed Production in Agricultural Crops (Mega Seed project) 111.50 2011-12 Continued Dr. S.K. Rao
Director Farms
8 Establishment of mother plant nurseries for high pedigree planting material of fruit crops 42.62 5.11.11 4.11.14 Dr. S. K. Pandey
Principal Scientist (Horti)
9 1. Rehabilitation of 3 plant tissue culture Laboratories.
2. Estt. of 2 leaf/Plant tissue culture Laboratories (Jabalpur Horticulture Biotech.)
116.00 23.01.2008 continued HOD Horticulture
Dr .Sharad Tiwari
Biotech Centre
10 Development of molecular markers in chickpea breeding for developing superior cultivars with enhanced disease resistance 56.39 1.11.2009 31.10.2014 Dr.Anita Babbar
Principal Scientist (PB)
11 Molecular breeding selection strategies to combine and validate QTLs for improving WUE and Heat tolerance in wheat 33.75 15.5.2011 14.5.2016 Dr. P.C. Mishra
Principal Scientist (PB)
12 Selection and utilization of water logging tolerance cultivars in pigeonpea 68.53 2011-12-2016-17 Dr. S. K. Rao
Dean Faculty of Agriculture
13 Metabolic and molecular profiling of aromatic rice germplasm of India for gaining insights about aroma 10.20 1.8.2012 30.9.2014 Dr. G.K. Koutu
Principal Scientist
JNKVV Jabalpur
14 Baseline survey of flora and fauna around atomic power plant at Chutka (BARC) 24.55 1.10.2012 30.9.2014 Dr. S. D. Upadhayaya
Prof. (Crop Physio.)
15 Development of an improved seed drill chock indicator 18.37 1.11.2013 31.10.2015 Dr. A. K. Rai
Associate Professor Instruments Dev. & Service Centre
JNKVV Jabalpur
16 Technology Mission Citrus 284.06 18-1-2011 Continued Dr. S. R. Dharpure
Principal Scientist
17 Network project on harvest, processing and value addition of Natural resin and gums 61.15 1.10.2008 31.3.2013 Extended in VII plan Dr. Moni Thomas
Sr. Scientist (Ento.)
18 Biotic Stress (Rusts) of wheat, Powarkheda 5.05 1.12.2009 30.6.2012 continued Dr. P.C. Mishra
Principal Scientist (PB)
19 Business Planning and Development (BPD) Project 327.61 1.12.2009 31.3.2014 Dr. S. K. Rao
Dean Faculty of Agriculture
JNKVV Jabalpur
20 Increasing chickpea and pigeon pea production through intensive application of Integrated Pest Management 12.50 1.7.2010 31.3.2012 (Extended ) Dr. A. K. Bhowmik
Principal Scientist
JNKVV, Jabalpur
21 CSS on National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility 31.15 1.7.2010 Continued Dr. Girish Puri
Principal Scientist
JNKVV, Jabalpur
22 Development of new plant type varieties with higher yield and in built resistance to major pest and disease 14.65 1.7.2010 30.6.2013 Dr. G. K. Koutu
Principal Scientist, (PB)
23 Network project on hybrid rice research 9.00 1.7.2010 30.6.2013 Dr. G. K. Koutu
Principal Scientist, (PB)
24 Network centre on National initiative on climate change resilient agriculture—AICRPDA-NICRA (ICAR) 30.25 2010-11 Continued Officer in charge
Dry land Agriculture, Rewa
25 Weather based agro advisories and assessment of vulnerable areas of major food crops production zone. AICRPAM-NICRA (ICAR) 13.05 2010-11 Continued Dr. Manish Bhan
Scientist JNKVV
26 National Initiatives on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Real time pest surveillance in Pigeon pea 5.00 2010-11 Continued Dr. S. B. Das
Principal Scientist Entomology
JNKVV Jabalupr
27 Climate change and Lak crop performance at Jabalpur (NICRA) 4.00 9.11.11 8.11.14 Dr. Moni Thomas Senior Scientist (Ento.) Jabalpur
28 Strengthening of instructional infrastructure, demonstration of technologies and knowledge and skill up gradation of farmers and farmwomen in tribal districts of Madhya Pradesh 26.72 2013-14 Dr. T. R. Shama
Professor (Horti.) DES
JNKVV Jabalpur
29 Marketing intelligence 35.94 1.7.2013 30.6.2017 Dr. P. K Awasthi
Professor (Ag. Eco)
JNKVV Jabalpur
30 Surveillance study of soybean cultivation in East MP (East surveillance) 0.40 2013-14 Dr. S. B. Nahatkar
Principal Scientist (Agril. Econ.)
31 Development of a new drainage, tillage and sowing method combination for stabilizing soybean yield (cultivation and machinery) 5.81 2013-14 Dr. A.K. Jha
PI Asstt. Prof (Agro)
CoA Jabalpur
32 Re-evaluation of soil fertility and fertilizer effects in MP soybean fields (Fertilizer reduction) 7.04 2013-14 Dr. B. S. Dwivedi
Asstt. Prof (Soil Sci.)
CoA Jabalpur
33 Evaluation of soybean cultivars against moisture stress and dense plant population in East MP 4.77 2013-14 Dr. S. K. Pandey
(Plant Breeding)
34 IPM adopting seed dressing technology with systemic and selective pesticides for using natural enemy (Natural enemy 3.77 2013-14 Dr. S. K. Srivastava
Professor /ADR
DRS Office Jabalpur
35 Development of observation sheet and book on soybean pests and diseases of MP farmers (Observation materials) 1.70 2013-14 Dr. A. K. Bhowmik
Professor (Ento.)
36 Molecular identification of insect biotypes and virus species for selection of optimum chemicals in East MP 4.27 2013-14 Dr. (Mrs.) Keerti Tantuwai
Asstt. Professor (Biotechnology)
37 Selection of new Trichoderma strains against soil borne diseases in East MP 3.77 2013-14 Dr. R. K. Verma
Professor (Pl.Patho)
Principal Investigator
38 Molecular marker evaluation of soybean cultivars for gene based cultivar selection (Molecular marker) 3.77 2013-14 Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Professor (Pl. Br.) Biotech Centre
JNKVV Jabalpur
39 Soybean cultivation manual and demonstration trials in East MP 9.27 2013-14 Dr. S. B. Nahatkar
Dr. S. K. Shrivastava
40 Development of locally adoptable cooking recipes using soybean 3.77 2013-14 Dr. (Mrs.) P. Parihar
Associate Professor (FS)
JNKVV Jabalpur
41 Project planning and management as facilitator organization 7.17 2013-17 Dr. S. S. Tomar
DRS JNKVV Jabalpur
42 Stress Tolerance Rice for Africa and South Asia (STRASA) 20.00 2011-12 continued Dr. P. Perraju
Sr. Scientist (PB) Rewa
43 Development of transgenic Oat (Avena sativum) over expression fungal 7.98 1.5.2011 30.4.2014 Dr Sharad Tiwari
Professor (Biotech)
JNKVV. Jabalpur
44 Drying and dehydration characteristics and potential for value addition in under utilized as well as commercially important fruits and vegetables of Madhya Pradesh 4.36 11.1.2012 10.1.2014 Dr. Aparna Sharma
Assistant Professor (Food Sci.)
Ganj Basoda (Vidisha).
45 Biocontrol potential of local isolates of Trichoderma in Madhya Pradesh 6.39 1.4.2012 31.3.2014 Dr. Ashish Kumar
Asstt. Professor (Plan Pathology) Rewa
46 Development of farm equipments and machinery testing, training and demonstration facility at JNKVV. Jabalpur 490.00 1.10.12 30.9.2015 Dr. Atul Shrivastav
Professor (FMP)
Principal Scientist
JNKVV Jabalpur
47 Collection, evaluation and utilization of elite lines of wheat from different parts of MP 7.82 3.7.12 2.7.15 Dr. R. S. Shukla
Principal Scientist (PB)
43 Development of transgenic Oat (Avena sativum) over expression fungal 7.98 1.5.2011 30.4.2014 Dr Sharad Tiwari Professor (Biotech) JNKVV. Jabalpur
44 Drying and dehydration characteristics and potential for value addition in under utilized as well as commercially important fruits and vegetables of Madhya Pradesh 4.36 11.1.2012 10.1.2014 Dr. Aparna Sharma, Assistant Professor (Food Sci.) Ganj Basoda (Vidisha)
45 Biocontrol potential of local isolates of Trichoderma in Madhya Pradesh 6.39 1.4.2012 31.3.2014 Dr. Ashish Kumar Asstt. Professor (Plan Pathology) Rewa
46 Development of farm equipments and machinery testing, training and demonstration facility at JNKVV. Jabalpur 490.00 1.10.12 30.9.2015 Dr. Atul Shrivastav Professor (FMP) Principal Scientist JNKVV Jabalpur
47 Collection, evaluation and utilization of elite lines of wheat from different parts of MP 7.82 3.7.12 2.7.15 Dr. R. S. Shukla Principal Scientist (PB) Jabalpur
48 Madhya Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project (MPWSRP) 1301.00 2006 to 2014 Dr. R. K .Nema Principal Scientist (SWE) Jabalpr
49 Revalorizing small millets in rainfed regions of South Asia 6.40 2011-2014 Dr. A. K. Jain Senior Scientist Rewa
50 Evaluation and utility of direct application of gypsum and its mixture with low grade rock phosphate, vermin compost, poultry manure and cow dung in different crops of Vindhya Plateau of Madhya Pradesh 14.97 (3 years) Creation under process Dr. S. R.S. Raghuwanshi, Associate Professor (Soil Science) College of Agriculture, Ganj-basoda (Vidisha)


S.No Title Amount (in lakhs) Annual Duration Year of start Name of PI Funding agency
1 Agro Economic Research Centre 80.00 1958 Dr. Hari Om Sharma Director AERC Govt. of India
2 Comprehensive plan scheme for study of cultivation/ production of principal crops in Madhya Pradesh. 490.00 Since 1970 continued HoD Agril. Economics Govt. of India
3 Collection of elite material and model plantation of Jatrophaii) Trainees and farmers training for nursery management production and technology and marketing of Jatropha 73.96 1.12.2004 continued Dr. V. K.Gour
Senior Scientist
(Pl. Breeding) Jabalpur
NOVOD Board, Gurgoan
4 National Network project on Integrated Development of Jatropha /Karanja 13.95 1.6.2005 continued Dr. V. K. Gour (Jatropha)
Dr. L.D. Kosta (Karanja)
NOVOD Board Gurgaon

National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP)

S.No Title Amount(in lakhs) Duration Name of PI
Component I
1 Business Planning and Development Unit 327.36 lakhs 1.3.2010 31.3.2014 Dr. S. K. Rao,Dean Faculty (Ag.)
Component II
2 Integrated farming systems to ensure sustainable livelihood security for the peasants of disadvantaged districts of MP (NAIP) Completed 622.18 lakhs Aug. 2008 to July . 2012 Dr. Nalin Khare Prof. & Head Agril. Extension

Impact analysis: Under NAIP project on Integrated farming systems to ensure sustainable livelihood security for the peasants of disadvantaged districts of MP two model have been developed as under :

i) Model-1 : Pady backyard poultry – Lak cultivation : Integrated farming system with paddy crop, back yard poultry and lak cultivation most beneficial system which can augment the income of tribal’s to improve socio economic staus.

ii) Model-2 : Wheat-livestock-vegetable production – Check Dam Integrated farming system with wheat crop , live stock production and check dam most beneficial system which can augment the income of tribal’s to improve their socio economic status.

S.No. Title Amount(in lakhs) Duration Name of PI
1 Improving heat tolerance in chickpea for enhancing its productivity in warm growing conditions and mitigating impact of climate change 29.94 1.4.2010 - 31.7.2012 Dr. Anita Babbar
Principal Sceitnsit (PB), Jabalpur
2 CSS on Developing guidelines for conduct of DUS test in small millets 12.74 2012-13
1.9.2012 30.8.2012
Dr. Abhinav Sao
Scientist (PB) RARS, Dindori
3 Maximization of Soybean production in Madhya Pradesh. 15.00 2011-12 Director Research Services
JNKVV. Jabalpur
4 Establishment of five Model Nursery of medicinal Plants under JNKVV (Jabalpur/Powarkheda/ Sagar/Mandla/Dindori) 100.00 (2009-10 2010-11) continued Dr. A. B. Tiwari- JBP
Dr. A. K. Nigam-PKD
S. C. Gautam - Sagar
Dr. A. K. Khare-Mandla
5 Exploration, collection and conservation of wild species and land races from eastern Madhya Pradesh 9.77 1.4.2010 31.3.2013 Dr. P. Perajju
Sr. Scientist (PB), Rewa
6 Conservation and evaluation of germplasm of mango in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh 8.47 1.4.2010 31.3.2013 Dr. Rajesh Singh
SMS, (Horti.) Rewa
7 Data generation and evaluation of production technology of medicinal and aromatic plants using IT tools 3.33 1.5.2010
30.4.2013 continued
Dr. A.K. Rai
Assistant Processor, Instrumentation Centre
8 Ensuring livelihood security through management of genetic resources and seed supply system in tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh 751.47 2008 - 2013
(5 years)
Dr. S. K. Rao
Director Farms JNKVV. Jabalpur
2012 - Government of India
1 Vegetation carbon pool assessment in India (GOI) 2.44 1.9.2008
Dr. S. D. Upadhayay
Professor Jabalpur
2 Tribal Seed Project (TSP) 4.00 2011-12 Dr. S. K. Rao
Director Farms
Dean, CoA Rewa
3 Rashtriy Krishi Vikas Yojna Development of Hybrid Technology Tissue Culture Lab. Promotion of Honey bee (Jabalpur & Powarkhda) 227.00 2010-11 Dr. S. K. Rao
Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Dr. A. K. Bhowmik
4 End term evaluation study/ appraisal in respect of the implementation of Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI) Programme 5.00 10.3.2012 10.7.2012 Dr. Ashutosh Shrivastava
Principal Scientist AERC, Jabalpur
5 Enhancing chickpea Production in Rainfed Fallow Land (PRFL) of Madhya Pradesh 134.31 1.12.2008 30.11.2012  Dr. S. K. Rao
Director Farms JNKVV. Jabalpur
6 Conservation strategies for enhancing the use of genetic recourses of small millets to ensure long term benefit to tribal farmers of Madhya Pradesh 11.91 1.5.2010
Dr. Abhivnav Sao
Scientist, Dindori
7 Capacity building of rural farming youth as service providers for diffusion of seed production technologies and income generation in Rewa Division of Madhya Pradesh 1.00 1.5.2012
Dr. A. S. Chouhan
Professor (Ag. Extension), Rewa


S. No Title/Ref. Name of PI Amount (in Rs. lakhs) / duration Submitted to
1 Studies on effect of different weather factors in relation to climate change on the incidence of major insect pests of paddy in Chhattisgarh plains /hills and Satpura Hills region of Madhya Pradesh
No/DRS/ADR/13/363  17.5.13
Dr. Amit K. Sharma
Assistant Professor (Entomology) JNKVV Jabalpur
122.78 (3 years) The Director Central Research Institute for Dry Land Agricultural Santoshnagra Hyderabad (AP)
2 Establishment of Regional analytical laboratory for quality testing of aromatic plants
No/DRS/ADR/13/395 22.5.13
Dr. S. K. Dwivedi
Principal Scientist (Crop Physiology) JNKVV Jabalpur
33.20 (3 years) The Director Dte. of Arecanut & Spice Develop Calicut Kerala
3 Studies of the shelf life of value added product from some important medicinal plants used for coronary heart diseases and diabetes mellitus by radiation
No/DRS/ADR/13/ 950 (PS) Dated 24.5.13
Dr. (Mrs.) Anubha Upadhayaya
Assistant Professor (Food Science) JNKVV Jabalpur
31.16 (3 years) The Program Officer
BRNS Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Trombay, Mumbai (MS)
4 Identification of morpho physiological indices of sink maturation and physiological maturity for yield improvement of medicinal crops
No/DRS/ADR/13/414 Dated 24.5.13
Dr. A. S. Gontia
Professor (Crop Physiology) JNKVV Jabalpur
61.84 (3 years) The Director National Medicinal Plant Board, GOIChandralok Building 36, Janpath, New Delhi
5 Occupational pattern and its impact on Rural Economic Growth of Farmers in Mandla and Dindori Tribal Districts of MP
Dr. H. L. Sharma
Professor & HoD Maths & Statistics JNKVV Jabalpur
9.42(2 years) The Director General MP Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Bhopal
6 Project on wheat improvement under CPG Dr. R. S. Shukla
Principal Scientist (PB) JNKVV Jabalpur 267600
US$ Rs.133.80 (3 years) CGIAR CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico
7 Storability of high priority medicinal plants propagated through seeds:
No.DRS/ADR//13/537 Dated 10.6.13  
Dr. Satroopa Rao
Professor & HeadCrop PhysiologyJNKVV Jabalpur
37.62 (3 years) The Director NMPB Dept of ISH & HGovernment of India New Delhi
8 Processing technology for bio ethanol production from waste potatoes using different micro organisms
No.DRS/ADR//13/538 Dated 10.6.13
Dr. L.P.S. Rajput
Professor (Food Science Biotech.)JNKVV Jabalpur
7.70 (2 years) The Director, MP Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
9 Dissemination and validation of location specific cost effective IPM technology through farmers participatory approach for increasing farmers income in major crops of Vidisha District of Madhya Pradesh
No.DRS/ADR//13/544 Dated 11.6.13
Dr. Yogesh Patel
Assistant Professor(Entomology) Ganj Basoda (Vidisha)
9.96 (3 years) The Gen. Manager NABARD BankBalaji AvenueRajeev Nagar POVidisha
10 Disease control and plant growth promotion of chickpea by plant growth promoting RhizobacteriaNo.DR/ADR/13/595Dated 18.6.13 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) JNKVV Jabalpur
9.99 (3 years) The Director General MP Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Bhopal
11 Conservation of pioneer biocontrol agent Trichoderma Spp and their evaluation for management of chickpea wilt in Madhya Pradesh
No/DRS/ADR/13/732 Dated 4.7.2013
Dr. Ashish Kumar
Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology)College of Agriculture, Rewa
9.89 (2 (years) The Director Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal
12 A Comparative study of morphological and molecular markers for assessment of genetic diversity among Singhara (Trapa ntans) accessions collected from different geographic areas of Madhya Pradesh
No.DRS/ADR/13/724 dated 4.7.2013
Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Professor (PB) Director Biotechnology Centre JNKVV Jabalpur
9.28 (2 years) The Director Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal
13 Support of M. Sc. (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in JNKVV, Jabalur
No.DRS/ADR/13/ 725 dated 4.7.2013
Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Professor (PB) Director Biotechnology Centre JNKVV Jabalpur
156.50 Director, Dept. of Biotechnology, 6th floor, Block II, CGO complex, Lodi RoadNew Delhi
14 Application of molecular markers for crop improvement
No.DRS/ADR/13/ 782 dated 10.7.2013
Dr. Sharad Tiwari
Director Biotechnology Centre JNKVV Jabalpur
52.96 Dr. R. R. Sinha, Advisor, Biotechnology, Block II, 6th floor,CGO complex, Lodi Road NewDelhi
15 Utilization of qualitative diversity of Trichoderma and P-solubilizing isolates of fungi for plant health promotion of tomato
No.DRS/ADR/13/859 dated 18.7.2013
No.DRS/ADR/13/1008 dated 6.8.2013 (Revised)
Dr. Vibha Senior
Scientist (Plant Pathology) JNKVV Jabalpur
19.55 The Head SERC) Life Science DivisionDept. of Science & Tech. Technology Bhawan Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
16 Promotion of low cost precision farming technologies for diversification of livelihood option and poverty alleviation in small and marginal farmers under Farmers’ Technology Transfer Fund (FTTF)No.DRS/ADR/13/909 dated 25.7.2013 Dr. Vijay Agrawal,
Scientist (Horti. )Dept. of Plant Pathology, JNKVV Jabalpur
9.94 The Assistant General Manager, National Bank for Agril. Development, (NABARD) District Development Office Jabalpur
17 Variability in Phytopthora nicotianae Var. parasitica f. sp. Sesame causing blight of sesame through morphological, cultural and molecular approach and identification of resistance sources
No.DRS/ADR/13/910 dated 25.7.2013
Dr. Sushma Nema Associate Prof.(Plant Pathology)JNKVV Jabalpur 13.90(2 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal 462 003
18 A systematic collection, characterization, multiplication, conservation, biochemical analysis and molecular evaluation of Khirni (Monilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard)
No.DRS/ADR/13/911 dated 25.7.2013
Dr. Swati Barche,
Associate Professor (Horti.)JNKVV Jabalpur
10.44(3 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal 462 003
19 Collection, identification, evaluation and maintenance of local strains of fungal and bacterial biocontrol agentsNo.DRS/ADR/13/912 dated 25.7.2013   20     21    Dr. A. R. Wasnikar
Scientist (Plant Pathology)College of Agriculture, Jabalpur
12.51(3 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal 462 003
20 DNA bar-coding a survey tool for identification of different species diversity in Meloidogyne a soil and root nematode in vegetable eco-systemNo.DRS/ADR/13/913 dated 25.7.2013 Dr. S. P. Twari
Principal Scientist(Plant Pathology) JNKVV Jabalpur
13.88(2 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal 462 003
21 Exploration of best management component for fruit fly without harming distribution and diversity of visiting insects to cucurbit.No.DRS/ADR/13/914 dated 25.7.2013 Dr Anand K. Pandey
Assistant Professor (Entology) PC Unit (S&N) JNKVV Jabalpur
19.47(3 yers) The Head SERCDepartment of Science & TechnologyTechnology BhawanNew Mehrauli Road NEW DELHI-110016
22 An effective tool for malnutrition management for tribalNo.DRS/ADR/13/1009 dated 6.8.2013 Dr. Swati Barche,
Associate Professor (Horti.)JNKVV Jabalpur
12.81(3 years) University Grant Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar, New Delhi
23 Collection, evaluation, conservation and multiplication of jack fruit and Karonda fruits germplasn in Sagar division of Madhya PradeshNo.DRS/ADR/13/1010 dated 6.8.2013 Dr. V. K. Singh
Associate Professor (Horti.)CoA Tikamgarh
8.85(2 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal 462 003
24 Process standardization for commercialization of value added food products from minor millet grainsNo.DRS/ADR/13/1074 dated 20.8.2013 Dr. M. A. Khan
Program Coordi DES Office Jabalpur
11.76(2 years) The Director, MP Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
25 Studies on morphological and biochemical traits of sesame for resistance to capsule borer (Antigaastra catalaunalis Dup)No.DRS/ADR/13/1075 dated 6.8.2013 Dr. N. Shrivastava
Professor (Ento.)PC (S&N) UnitJNKVV Jabalpur
9.92(3 years) The Director, MP Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
26 Management of wilt and wilt like diseases of soybean by plant extract/products and biocontrol agentsNo.DRS/ADR/13/1076 dated 20.8.2013 Dr. Jayant Bhatt
Professor (Plant Pathology) JNKVV Jabalpur
9.99(3 years) The Director, MP Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
27 Human resources and skill development in medicinal plants through facilitation centre
No.DRS/ADR/13/1077 dated 20.8.2013
Dr. S. D. Upadhayaya Professor (Plant Physiology) JNKVV Jabalpur 24.15 The Executive Officer National Medicinal Plant Board, Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of India New Delhi
28 Assessment if technologies for increasing productivity and input use efficiency of stress tolerant hybrid maize (CGP Grant)Sent by e-mail on 30.8.2013 Dr. H. K. Rai
Senior Scientist (Pl. Pathology)Jabalpur
69.39(3 years) (115644 US$) Ms. Sally Mallari Maize CRP Program Administrator CIMMYT, Mexico
29 Conservation, maintenance of commercially important medicinal plants of Madhya Pradesh as Ex-situ conservation in herbal garden
No.DRS/ADR/1193 dated 7.9.2013
Dr. A. B. Tiwari
Senior Scientist Dept. Of Plant Physioology, JNKVV Jabalpur
55.90 (2 years) The Executive Officer National Medicinal Plant Board, Dept of AYUSH, Govt. of IndiaNEW Delhi 110013
30 Effect of storage conditions and moisture content on seed viability and quality characteristics of oilseeds to optimize the safe storage for assured quality rejuvenation”
No.DRS/ADR/1507 dated 26.10.2013
Dr. Seema Paroha
Assistant Prof.S&N UnitJNKVV Jabalpur
9.66(2 years) Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
31 Collection, evaluation and conservation (in-situ-ex-situ)of small millets gemplasm in Madhya Pradesh
No.DRS/ADR/1514 dated 28.10.2013
Dr. O. P. Dubey
Principal ScienistRARS, Dindori
12.383 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal
32 Morphological and biochemical changes in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress
No.DRS/ADR/1515 dated 28.10.2013
 Dr. Vinay Pratap
Assistant Prof.(Crop Physiology) CoA GanjBasoda
9.99(3 years) Council of Science & Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
33 Contribution of VAM along with PSB and Rhizobium to sustain productivity and soil fertility in soybean-wheat cropping system of Vidisha District of Madhya Pradesh
No.DRS/ADR/1516 dated 28.10.2013
Dr. P.K. Jaga
Assistant Prof(Soil Science)CoA, Ganj Basoda
6.65(2 years) Member Secretary, MP Biodiversity Board, 26 Kisan Bhawan Arera Hills Bhopal
34 Evaluation of soybean cultivars under induced water stress
No.DRS/ADR/13/1536 dated 30.10.13
Dr. Aradhana Kumari
Assistant Prof.(Pl. Physiology)CoA GanjBasoda
27.28(3 years) The Director SERB Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Vasant Kunj New Delhi
35 Production of quality planting material of Karonda and Bael
No.DRS/ADR/13/1537 dated 30.10.13
Dr. Priya Awasthi
Assistant Prof.(Horticulture)CoA GanjBasoda
26.37(3 years) The Secretary Indian Council of Agricultural ResearchPusa, New Delhi Grand total (Rs. in lakhs) 1145.88
Grand total
(Rs. in lakhs)


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