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Directorate of Instruction

Dr. Dhirendra Khare

Directorate of Instruction
Ph.: 0761-2681608 (O)
Exch: 2681773
Extn.: 328
Fax: 0761-2681608
Mob.: 9826327311


S.No. Name of the faculty Designation Specialization & Academic / Research in Department Mailing Address,Mobile Number & E-mail
1. Dr. Dhirendra Khare Director Instruction Director Instruction, Mob.: 9893276471
2. Dr. A. Shukla Dy. Director Instruction Professor (Entomology), Mob.: 9827607257


Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya has been the seat of Agro-Technology and Human Resource Development in Central India. Its prime mission is to impart education in agriculture and its allied sciences so as to provide human resource for meeting the future challenges.

The university has two Faculties viz. Agriculture ( five costituent colleges at Jabalpur, Rewa, Tikamgarh, Ganj Basoda and Waraseoni) and Agricultural Engineering (Jabalpur) with 13 and 5 departments, respectively.

Departments in Diffrent Faculties

Agriculture Agriculture Engineering
Agronomy Farm Machinery & Power
Agricultural Biotechnology Post Harvest Process & Food Engineering
Agricultural Economics & FM Soil & Water Engineering
Agricultural Statistics Applied Physics & Agricultural Meteorology
Plant Physiology Agricultural Structure & Environmental Engineering
Entomology Instrument Development & Service Centre
Extension Education
Plant Breeding & Genetics
Plant Pathology
Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

Academic Programmes

The university offers three Bachelor’s Degree programmes viz. B.Sc. (Ag.), B.Sc. (Forestry) and B.Tech (Ag. Engineering). The Masters’ Degree programmes are available in thirteen departments under Agriculture Faculty and in three departments in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. The programme on Master of Agri-Business Management is also available under Agiculture Faculty. Doctoral degree programmes are available in ten departments of Agriculture Faculty and in three departments of Agricultural Engineering Faculty.

In addition the university has also started diploma courses in Horticulture on (1) Seed Production & (2) Nursery Management, at Horticulture Vocational Education Institute, Rangua, Garhakota, District Sagar, from the academic session 2008-09. The Diploma courses are of two years duration ( 4 semesters) with a capacity of 40 students in each course.

The University has two Faculties viz. Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering. The degrees granted include B.Sc. (Ag.), B.Sc. (Forestry), B. Tech. (Ag. Engineering), M.Sc. (Ag.), M.Sc. (Forestry), M. Tech. (Ag. Engineering) and Ph.D. in two Faculties.


Various degree programmes offered at different colleges

College of Agriculture, Jabalpur

1) B.Sc. (Ag)
2) B.Sc. (Forestry)
3) M. Sc (Ag)
1. Agronomy 2. Extension Education 3. Entomology
4. Agriculture Economics and F.M. 5. Genetics & Plant Breeding 6. Plant Pathology
7. Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry 8. Fruit Science 9. Vegetable Science
10. Plant Physiology 11. Agricultural Statistics 12. Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
13. Food Technology
4) M.Sc. (Forestry)
1. Agroforestry 2. Plantation Technology
5) M.B.A. (Agri-Business Management)
6) Ph.D (Ag)
1. Agronomy 2. Entomology 3. Genetics & Plant Breeding
4. Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry 5. Plant Pathology 6. Agriculture Economics and F.M.
7. Extension Education 8. Fruit Science 9. Vegetable Science
10. Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
7) Ph.D. (Forestry)
1. Agroforestry

College of Agriculture, Rewa

i) B.Sc. (Agriculture)
ii) M.Sc. (Agriculture)
1. Agronomy 2. Extension Education 3. Entomology
4. Agriculture Economics and F.M. 5. Genetics & Plant breeding 6. Plant Pathology
7. Fruit Science 8. Vegetable Science
iii) Ph. D
1.Genetics & Plant Breeding

College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh

i) B.Sc. (Agriculture)
ii) M.Sc. (Agriculture)
1. Agronomy 2. Extension Education 3. Entomology
4. Vegetable Science 5. Plant Pathology 6. Agricultural Economics & F.M.

College of Agriculture, Ganj-basoda

i) B.Sc. (Agriculture)

College of Agriculture, Waraseoni

i) B.Sc. (Agriculture)

College of Agriculture, Engineering, Jabalpur

i) B. Tech
ii) M.Tech
1. Farm Machinery and Power Engineering 2. Soil and Water Engineering 3. Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering
iii) Ph.D.
1. Farm Machinery and Power Engineering 2. Soil and Water Engineering 3. Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering

U.G. Programme

Admission to UG degree programmes is through entrance test conducted by Professional Examination Board, Bhopal. The availability of seats under different UG/ PG / Ph.D. programmes is mentioned in Table Fifty per cent of seats are reserved for various reserve categories of candidates, in accordance with the rules laid down by the Government for permanent residents of M.P. State.

Table Availability of seats in different programmes at JNKVV under the Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering
S.No. Degree Programme Intake Capacity Total
Free Seats Payment seats NRI ICAR
1. B.Sc.(Ag.) 240 48 12 36 336
2. B.Sc. (Forestry) 20 4 1 3 28
3. B.Tech. 60 12 3 9 84
Total 320 64 16 48 448
1. M.Sc. (Ag.)/Forestry 153 140 - 38 331
2. M.Tech. 18 18 2 3 41
3. M.B.A (Agri-Business) 15 15 - - 30
Total 186 173 2 41 402
1. Ph. D. Agriculture 32 24 - 7 63
2. Ph. D. Engineering 12 12 1 2 27
Total 44 36 1 9 90
Grand Total 550 273 19 98 940

Postgradurate Degree Programme

The Director of Instruction co-ordinates the entire postgraduate programme of the university. The Director recommends the constitution of an Advisory Committee of each post graduate student admitted in the university based on the proposal of the respective Head of the Department. The Director scrutinizes the plan of work of each postgraduate student in his programme of study including thesis-research undertaken by the student for the degree programme. The Director of Instruction also recommends the appointment of external examiner, for evaluating the thesis of every postgraduate student. The Registrar issues the notification regarding the declaration of results and the award of the Degree.

The Advisory Committee is constituted for each student, drawn from different faculties depending on the research topic. Inter campus movement is also allowed to the students for the conduct of their research for utilizing the expertise and infrastructure facilities available. Inter disciplinary approach in the post graduate programme is adopted and the students register courses of other disciplines also. Six new non-credit courses have also been introduced from 2009-10, as proposed by ICAR.

Theses Evaluation

Every student admitted to the PG programme in the university, is required to submit a thesis towards partial fulfillment of the PG programme. The thesis of the student should be of such a nature as to indicate the student's potentiality for conducting research. The thesis shall be on a topic falling within the field of major subject and shall be the result of the students' own work. A certificate to this effect duly endorsed by the Professor and Head and the Major Advisor shall accompany the thesis at the time of submission for evaluation by the external examiner.

Inter Institutional Collaboration of the PG Programme

The JNKVV is imparting education at the Under Graduate and Post Graduate levels in the Faculties of Agriculture, including Forestry, and Agricultural Engineering. The university has established close linkages with other national and international research institutes in conducting collaborative research programmes at Post Graduate level. In these programmes, Post Graduate students complete their course work at JNKVV and carry out theses research work at other institutes. Institutes at which students have conducted their theses research include International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi; International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), National Research Center for Weed Science (NRCWS), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR) and Goat and Sheep Research Institute, etc. The university has signed MoUs with various research organizations and private institutes e.g. Jain Irrigations Pvt. Ltd., etc. to conduct collaborative research in various fields of agriculture and agricultural engineering.

Process of Development and Revision of Course Curriculum

Heads of the departments develop and propose for revision of course curricula after thorough discussion with the teachers of the departments. They prepare detailed course out line for all the courses to be revised along with names of prescribed text and reference books. The revised course curriculum is first discussed in the faculty meetings and after approval; the proposal is submitted for consideration and approval before the Academic Council. The revised course curriculum after due approval of Academic Council, is printed and circulated amongst the staff and students for implementation.

If highest governing body like ICAR develops any model course curricula for UG and PG courses and asks for its implementation, the proposal is placed in the Academic Council for approval. The new UG course curriculum as proposed by the fourth Deans Committee has been implemented at the university w.e.f. the academic session 2007-08. The new course curriculum at Master’s and Doctoral level Programmes, as proposed by ICAR, has been implemented w.e.f. the Academic session 2009-10 in all the constituent colleges of the Vishwa Vidyalaya.

Upgradaion of Teaching Facilities

Under the one time catch up grant received from ICAR, works on renovation/ modernization of class rooms, laboratories, hostels, departments, library and other teaching facilities have been carried out at all the seven campii.

Centre of Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT)

Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi has recognized the Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Jabalpur as Centre of Advanced Faculty Training, erstwhile Centre of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry is functioning since 1995. The centre is engaged in organizing training programmes, in which scientists / teachers from different States participate and update their knowledge and skill. In all, these training programme besides JNKVV trainers, eminent scientists, resource persons from other universities and subject matter specialists from various fields of specialization are invited to deliver lectures.

Human Resourse Development

Human Resource Development is one of the most important functions of the university. Since its establishment, the University has produced 16,031 Graduates and 6,634 Post Graduates (till 2008-09 academic session) who are rendering their valuable services in the field of agriculture and allied sectors in the country and abroad. In addition, the university has awarded one year diploma to 56 women who were appointed as Rural Extention Officers by the Government of Madhya Pradesh under a programme funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) aimed at providing knowledge and skills of improved agricultural technology to the farm women. The quality education is the top most priority with main thrust on improving the infrastructure and teaching capabilities of the faculty.

All the constituent colleges are equipped with adequate facilities to carry out teaching and research activities. However there is need to upgrade the teaching and research facilities at Agriculture college Tikamgarh and Agriculture college Ganj Basoda.

The Central Library

The Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (JNKVV) Jabalpur (M.P.), India is an essential constituent of the Vishwa Vidyalaya’s mandates. The Central Library of JNKVV is one of the major Agricultural Libraries of Central India. The main activity of library is collection, compilation, tabulation, classifying, accessioning, cataloguing and indexing of all types of reading material related to agriculture and allied fields. Theses and books, annual reports, journals, periodicals etc were also processed. About 300 post graduate and doctoral theses are added to the collection of Central Library, every year. The registered users (faculty, staff and students) are given facilities of borrowing books available in the library where they can get the book issued for a fixed period and then return it or renew it. Students in particular are given special facility of Book Bank where the students are provided books for one semester at a 10% price of book. A separate Book Bank for SC/ST students is also available. 1100 books were purchased during the financial year. An amount of rupees fifty to sixty thousand is collected form book bank scheme.

An amount of Rs. 5019665.00 (Rs. Fifty Lakhs Nineteen thousand six Hundred and Sixty Five Only) was received under the budget head C-2(Res.) ICAR P-384- Library Strengthening of Agril Universities vide letter Endt.No.EFP-4/P-384/Libr. Strengthening/933 dated 30th March 2013 during the financial year 2012-2013. The amount was utilized for strengthening library facilities at four agricultural colleges (College of Agriculture, Jabalpur, Rewa, Tikamgarh and Gangbasoda) and one agricultural engineering college at Jabalpur.

Amenities are being created in the central library and constituent libraries to provide better facilities for reading to the students, faculty and readers. Civil work is a necessity and has to be done on priority basis to increase the life of the building, waterproofing is essential to prevent leakage and seepage from side walls, which in turns creates dampness and spoils the reading material. Repairing and replacement of doors and windows is essential to ensure safety and security of library holdings. Facility of girl’s toilet is being developed inside the periodical section. Renovation of electrical’s will provide better lighting and air circulation to create congenial atmosphere for using the library facilities. It will also ensure the long life and safety of equipments like photocopier, UPS etc. which run on electricity.

The strength of UG, PG and PhD students is increasing every year. Also the numbers of colleges are also increasing and hence furniture and allied items are being procured for proper storage of reading material like Textbooks/ Reference Books/General Books/ Advances/ Journals/ Dictionaries/ Encyclopedias/Book Series/Annual Reviews/ Monographs/ Serials/ Reading Material and others items. Various newspapers are subscribed for current awareness and newspaper stands are being procured. Notices regarding current opening, conferences/seminars, training etc are displayed on the notice board located in library. Due to increase in strength of students more chairs and reading tables are being procured to accommodate them. Faculty staff, students, scholars etc visit library for issue return of books and for consultation and reference, during the year 464870consultations were done.

Awards Received by the Scientists

The contributions of the scientists of this University have been well recognized at national level. It is reflected by a large number of Awards conferred to them. Few of the most prestigious Awards received include:

  • Dr. V. K. Shukla and Dr. S. K. Vishwakarma received the Best Poster Presentation Award in the National seminar on relevance of organic farming in India organised by National Institute of Advance Science at Indian Institute of Science, Banglore from 3-4 febuary 2014.
  • Dr. A. K. Jha, Scientist received the ISWS Young Scientist Award 2014 by Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) at Biennial Conference held at DWSR Jabalpur during15-17 February 2014.
  • Shyamlal Shahu, P.G. Student ,Dr. M.L.Kewat and Ms. Tarun Suryavanshi jointly got the Best Poster Paper Award 2014 during Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) held at DWSR Jabalpur held at 15-17 February 2014.
  • Mr. Ajay Chourasiya, Ph.D . Scholarsand Tushar Thorat, P.G. Student , Shyamlal Shahu, Dr. M.L.Kewat and Ms. Tarun Suryavanshi jointly got the Best Poster Paper Award 2014 during Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS) held at DWSR Jabalpur held at 15-17 February 2014.
  • Smita Singh, conferred Young Scientist Award -2014at Integral University in 16th Indian AgriculturalScientists& Farmers' Congress 22-23 February at Lucknow. Smita Singh received Young Scientist Associate Award" at UAS, Raichur (Karnataka ) 8 – 9 February 2014 at Meerut.
  • Swati Barche received Young Scientist Associate Award, 2014 at Integral University in 16th Indian Agricultural Scientists & Farmers' Congress 22-23 February at Lucknow.
  • Swati Barche elected as a fellow of Association for the Advancement of Biodiversity Science, Karnataka.
  • Barche S, Kirad KS, Sharma AK and Mishra PK, 2013 received Best Publication Award, 2013 from SADHNA, Dr. Y. S. Parmar Univ. of Horticulture and Forestry , Solan (H.P.)
  • Dr. Namrata Jain received best Participant Award in the training on “Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security” From April 28 - May 31, 2013 at The Office of International Agriculture (OIA), Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, THAILAND.
  • Best Breeder Seed Production Centre Award 2014: The Directorate of Seed Research of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi has first time initiated the Excellence Breeder Seed production Unit Award based on five years seed production of the centre on National level. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya has been conferred with Certificate of Excellence for Best Breeder Seed Production Centre of AICRP-NSP (Crops) for the year 2013-14 in the National Workshop held on Sri Nagar (JandK) during 24-27th April 2014.


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