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VC Message

Prof. P.K. Mishra

Vice Chancellor
Ph.: (0761) 2681706 (O)
fax: 0761-2681389

Agriculture of Madhya Pradesh in 2020 - Challenges and Prospects

Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur has completed its 50 glorious years and celebrated the Golden Jubilee Convocation on 27th June 2014 in the auspicious presence of Hon'ble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee. So far, the University has awarded 23,048 degrees that includes 16080 Bachelor, 6626 Masters and 342 of Doctorate. The University is successfully shaped the students as quality human resource by introduction of Experiential Learning Programme at Bachelor degree level to ensure that the market will recruit them with priority or they will recruit other and to make them globally competent with complex problem-solving skils. Whereas, the active involvement of students in Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE), enable them to understand the real picture of rural India and Indian agriculture with focus on how to enhance profitability of smallholder farmers. The University is playing an important role in restoring the pride in students of being agricultural graduates and professionals and involvement of youth towards agriculture education by revamping the school education at higher secondary level. To renovate the University into world-class, the University is ready to use information technology efficiently by providing training to teachers on use of modern gadget and exposure to best faculty at the international level and judicious and efficient use of available infrastructure with involvement of all the staff and students to make agriculture as a business of profit the University is transforming course curricula as practical oriented, agro-industry based and market driven by involvement of industries in postgraduate research and practical experience and student exchange programme for research work.

So far, the University has evolved 321 varieties of 79 crops, Jawahar varieties inhabit nearly 92% area of soybean and 40% area of chickpea at national level. The University produces highest quantity of Breeder seed in the country involving 90 varieties of 23 crops. Development of short duration hybrids of rice and varieties of chickpea and wheat enhanced cropping intensity of the State to the tune of 143%. With the adoption of the technologies developed by JNKVV, Jabalpur, and has achieved high agricultural growth rate (24.99%), the state of Madhya Pradesh ranks first in pulse, second in oilseed and third in production of cereal at national level and got position in the top three wheat. It is documented at national level by awarding Krishi Karman Award consequently third time.

The University is working on to augment the production and productivity of important crops more than National average with proportionate enhancement in farm income by enhancing the cropping intensity in the state of Madhya Pradesh (> 175%) by introduction of short duration hybrid rice and high temperature tolerant chickpea varieties in rice fallow areas and promotion of 300% cropping intensity in command areas; by development of management responsive varieties of pulses with the increase in irrigated area; by development of cropping system for command areas and development of eco-friendly, cost effective; remunerative agricultural production technology; mechanization for smallholdings; identification of more remunerative and non-vulnerable crop along with rice during Kharif season for eastern half of MP and rejuvenation of soil health to exploit full potential.

The University is motivating for innovative research and Patenting by development of technology with strong national and international linkages on research for efficient management of rice residue in the field; efficient farmers friendly technologies for organic farming; effective incumbent of climate change; crop health management; management of excessive moisture stress for Kharif pulses; optimization of water use efficiency and resource conservation in a sustainable mode. The University is working on identification of areas and calibration of technologies for export oriented produce and value addition. Separate multi-disciplinary projects have been prepared on the succeeding important crops of Mp viz., mung bean, niger, seasme, kodo millet, yellow pea, lentil and pigeonpea.

The focus approaches of the University are to increase the profitability of the farmer by efficient use of information technology and view and agriculture as industry model for proper marketing and lowering input cost to make agriculture economically viable. By sensitization we will promote cash crops; conservation agriculture with cost effective mechanization; protective cultivation in horticulture and value addition. The University will work on conversion of significant important technologies into farmers friendly mode; Organize smallholder farmers to get the advantage of the world markets by establishing effective linkages between farmer-producers and corporate/cooperative processors and industries in organized farming arrangements; development of strategies for improvement in the status of smallholder farmers through diversification and commercialization of agricultural activities.

To enhance the seed replacement rate of important crops upto 33% the highest breeder seed producing University, JNKVV, Jabalpur is working on identification of alternate area and season for contingent planning of seed; formulation of seed grid; identification of areas for production of hybrid and quality seed of vegetable crops; establishing proficient seed production system of vegetable crops and availability of quality tissue cultured planting material of sugarcane in the state of MP.


Krishinagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur
482004 (M.P.) INDIA
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