Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
About Centre

Farm Machinery Testing, Training and

Demonstration Center

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering,

College of Agricultural Engineering, JNKVV, Jabalpur, M.P.

Phone and Fax: (0761) 2681415, Email: jnkvvtesting@gmail.com

Approved by Govt. of India, Dept. of Agriculture and Cooperation (M & T Division), Ministry

of Agri., New Delhi vide letter F.No. 13-11/2018 – M & T (I & P), dt. 22/04/2019

The “Farm Machinery Testing, Training and Demonstration Centre”  under the Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur was established in 22.04.2019 by the State Govt. with the financial support from the Central Govt. under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) with total outlay of project as Rs. 498 lakhs. It is on the line of testing of agricultural machines carried out by Farm Machinery Testing and Training Institutes (FMTTIs), established by the Govt. of India. Our Centre is one of the twenty five institutions approved by the Department of Agriculture & Co-operations, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India in the direction of ensuring supply of quality agricultural machinery and equipment under Government programmes.

Objectives of the Centre:
  1. Testing of farm equipments (hand tools, implements and machines) to assess their working performance, suitability and certification.

  2. To carry out laboratory and field tests and experiments in order to check their performance in detail.

  3. To establish standardization in parts, components, assembly, systems etc. to bring quality and to reduce repairing, replacement cost.

  4. To impart training on use, repairs, maintenance, management and operator skills aspects.

  5. To conduct the demonstrations of equipments/ implements for their popularization as per the need.

Physical Achievements:
  1. Construction work of testing and training laboratory building.

  2. Infrastructure facilities development for Training hall cum museum, audio-visual aids, presentation materials, charts /models, info panels, display boards and systems, training manuals, test code preparation, printing of booklets.

  3. Development work of field and test plots, implementshed, approach road and field road.

  4. Procurement of engineering parameters calibration and testing instruments, exhaust gas analyzer,  material handling equipments, ergonomic equipments, measuring instruments, etc

  5. Implements test set-up, seed drill test set-up etc.

  6. Instrumentation cum computer cell with reprographic facility. 

The quality and standard agricultural equipments become helpful to perform different farm operations efficiently and economically. Thus, saving in labour, time and cost can be achieved, which bring down the cost of agricultural production. Timely sowing, interculturing, plant protection and harvesting operation become helpful to minimize the crop losses and to increase the crop production. The efforts will be made to establish standardization in parts, components, assembly, systems etc. and popularization of standard equipments in the State to bring quality equipments, interchangeability of parts and to reduce repairing and replacement cost. The test centre will be authorized to test selected category of farm machinery, tractor and animal drawn basic implements except self propelled agricultural machineries, PP equipment and post harvest machinery. This test centre would offer their services directly to the manufacturer only.

Officials of the Centre:

Sr. No


Act as


Dr.Atul Kumar Shrivastava

Professor & Head

Testing In-charge


Prof. R.K. Dubey

Associate Professor

Testing Engineer


Er. Manish Patel

Assistant Professor

Testing Engineer