Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya

The department conducts research through its various projects financed by ICAR, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh and other agencies
ICAR sponsored (5)

  • AICRP on Micro and Secondary Nutrients and Pollutant Elements in Soils and Plants
  • AICRP on Long Term Fertilizer Experiment
  • AINP on Soil Biodiversity & Biofertilizers
  • AICRP on Soil Test Crop Response
  • Centre of Advanced Faculty Training

Govt. of M.P. sponsored (6) 
State Non Plan :

  • Estt. of MPARI
  • Agril. Res. Lab &Institute
  • Soil Testing Scheme

State Plan :

  • Isotopes Res. Lab
  • Research on Production and Quality Control of Biofertilizers
  • National Agril. Res. Project

Ad-hoc Projects

  • Use of microbes for plant protection and nutrient management in increasing cropproductivity (funded by Mandi Board, Bhopal M.P.)
  • Establishment of Biofertilizer Production Plant under BPD project (funded by ICAR)
  • Evaluation of soil fertility and fertilizer effects in the soybean fields of Madhya Pradesh (funded by JICA )
  • Establishment of Pesticide Residue Analysis Laboratory

Resource generation projects

  • Commercial Production of Bio-fertilizers
      • Soil Testing
      • Product Testing

External Funded Research Projects

(I) All India Coordinated Research Project on Micro, Secondary Nutrients andPollutant Elements in Soil and Plants (ICAR funded)
Principal Investigator: Dr. B.L. Sharma

  • To delineate micro and secondary nutrients (MSN) deficient/toxic areas by soil and plant analysis as well as by response studies under field and green house conditions.
  • To index MSN deficiencies and toxicity in crops and soils under different soil cropping management systems.
  • To standardize and develop soil test and establish their critical levels for deficiency and toxicity to MSN for different soils and crops.
  • To develop techniques for increasing FUE including organic manure, sewage sludge in ameliorating the MSN deficiencies in crops and soils.
  • To monitor hazards from heavy metal or trace element pollution, soils, plant and animal health.

Significant achievements:

    • Micronutrients and Sulphur deficiency % in M.P. soils: Zn - 71.0%; Fe - 7.0%; Mn - 2.4% and S - 40.6%
    • Critical limits of Zn, S and Fe have been established for different soils and crops
    • The residual effect of 10 kg Zn ha-1 persisted up to 6 crops in soybean - wheat sequence.
    • Requirement of Zn may be reduced if applied in combination with organic manures as the yields of Soybean and Wheat were at par at 10 kg Zn ha-1 and 5 kg Zn + 5t FYM ha-1
    • In soils, deficient in both Zn and S, application of 5 kg Zn + 40 kg S ha-1 to most of the crops is beneficial.
    • Application of 20-40 t ha-1 sewage sludge increased the Rice and wheat yields (average of 10 years) by 22.5% and 18.4% respectively.
    • Deficiency of Zn and S have been diagnosed in Madhya Pradesh.

    (II)All India Network Research Project on Soil Biodiversity and Biofertilizers (erstwhile AICRP on Biological Nitrogen Fixation)(ICAR funded)
    Principal Investigator: Dr. A K. Rawat Objectives:
    The main thrusts of the project during XI plan are as follows

    • To exploit the soil biodiversity in various agro-ecologies for biofertilizer application in diverse cropping systems
    • To study the soil management practices on functional diversity of microorganisms involved in key microbial functions and soil health using genomic tools
    • Formulation and testing of mixed biofertilizers in cropping systems
    • To improve biofertilizer technology with particular reference to quality, carriers, consortia and deliver systems.
    • To diversify biofertilizer research and application in dry lands, mountainous regions, tribal areas and other unexplored ecosystems
    • Research-Adoption-Impact continuum analysis of biofertilizer usage

    The main thrusts of the JNKVV, Jabalpur and IISS, Bhopal during XI plan period are as follows

    • To exploit soil biodiversity of ‘Haveli’ fields of Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills and Central Narmada Valley agroclimatic zones of Madhya Pradesh.
    • Field screening of laboratory screened Rhizobium and PGPR isolates on soybean, chickpea and wheat.
    • Research-Adoption-Impact continuum analysis of biofertilizer usage

    Significant achievements:
    In M.P., soybean nodulation good to very good in 48%, medium in 35% and poor in 17% locations. However, the native strains have higher molecular genetic diversity indicating the need of regular selection of competitive strains.

      • Despite continuous cultivation of inoculated soybean on same field (vertisols) for 7 years there was significant response of Bradyrhizobium inoculation on yields (average increase by 11%) indicates seed inoculation is mandatory every year and there was residual benefits of 20-30 kg N ha-1 by soybean to succeeding wheat crop even better if FYM is added together.
      • There is residual benefits of 20-30 kg N ha-1 by soybean to succeeding wheat crop
      • Minor millets and Niger in tribal areas (skeletal soil) gave yield increase of 5-11% due to BF over FP where no Fertilizers are being used. IPNS treatment resulted in substantial yield increase.
      • Molecular diversity of soybean rhizobia in soils of Madhya Pradesh showed that the soils mostly harvour slow growing species ( B. japonicum and B.elkani), and fast growing species are almost lacking
      • On field screening of PGPR and Rhizobium isolates on soybean, chickpea and wheat, both the types of isolates enhanced the germination at 4th and 5th days of sowing as compared to fertilized uninoculated control (FUI). There was significant response on nodulation, total N uptake by crop and grain yields due to some of the isolates with additional BNF.

      Field experiments under project

      Field experiments under project Visitor
      Field demonstrations and meeting with farmers

      (III) All India Coordinated Research Project on Long Term Fertilizer Experiment (ICAR funded)
      Principal Investigator: Dr. A.K. Dwivedi

      • To study the effect of continuous application of plant nutrients, singly and in combination, with organic and inorganic forms including secondary and micronutrient elements (as per the need) on crop yield, nutrient composition and uptake in soybean – wheat cropping sequence.
      • To monitor the changes in soil properties as a result of continuous manuring and cropping with respect to the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the soil in relation to its productivity.
      • To make an assessment of the need of plant nutrients, build up of residues of weedicides and pesticides, incidence of pests and pathogens under proposed manuring and cropping sequence.

      Significant achievements:

      • Imbalance use of nutrients (100% N alone & 100% NP) should be strictly avoided as the yield in NP (100%) treatment was found to be significantly higher over N (100%) alone.
      • Conjoint use of inorganic fertilizers (100% NPK) with organic manure (FYM) was found to be quite promising in enhancing sustainable productivity of the respective crops and soil organic carbon.
      • Use of sulphur free fertilizers should be restricted as it reduces the yields of soybean and wheat by about 7%.
      • No changes were observed in soil reaction and soluble salts content of soil as a result of continuous use of fertilizers and intensive cropping for over the last 38 years.
      • The availability of K is declining because of over exploitation of native K.

      (IV) All India Coordinated Research Project on Soil Test Crop Response (ICAR funded)
      Principal InvestigatorDr. B. Sachidanand

      • To generate /collect basic information on nutrient requirement of crops, available soil nutrients and availability of resources with the farmers.
      • To develop site and situation specific integrated nutrient supply system recommendations for different crops and cropping sequence.
      • To develop linkages with extension agencies and soil testing laboratories for effective transfer of technology to the farmers.

      Significant achievements:

      • Developed rating of soil test values into different fertility categories.
      • Generated soil fertility maps of state.
      • Developed fertilizer calibration equations for targeted yields, at varying soil test values, of different groups of crops (pulses, cereals, oilseed, medicinal, vegetables and cash) prevalent in the state and developed a workable ready reckoner.

      WHEAT: FN = 4.40T – 0.40 SN FP2O5 = 4.00 T – 4.58 SP FK2O = 2.53 T – 0.16 SK
      PADDY: FN = 4.00T – 0.22 SN FP2O5 = 2.38 T – 1.40 SP FK2O = 2.07 T – 0.08 SK 
      SOYBEAN: FN = 5.19T – 0.48 SN FP2O5 = 5.20 T – 4.10 SPFK2O = 3.90 T – 0.22 SK 
      GRAM: FN = 3.73T – 0.18SN FP2O5 = 5.00 T – 2.50 SP FK2O = 3.80 T – 0.17 SK

      Fertilizer recommendations packages followed under FLDs

      T=Targeted yield (q/ha )
      Soil Nitrogen (SN)
      Soil Phosphorus (SP)
      (kg/ ha)
      Soil Potassium (SK)
      (kg/ ha)
      100 150 200 250 300 5 10 20 25 30 200 250 300 350 400
      Wheat 50 180 160 140 120 100 177 154 131 108 85 95 87 79 71 63
      Paddy 35 104 81 89 36 40 100 75 51 26 0 38 29 20 11 0
        40 125 102 80 60 35 118 95 69 44 20 48 39 30 21 12
      Soybean 20 56 32 10 - - 83 63 42 22 - 34 23 12 0 0
        25 82 58 34 10 - 109 89 68 48 27 53 42 31 20 9
      Gram 20 - - - - - 87 75 62 50 37 42 32 25 16 8
        25 - - - - - 112 100 87 75 62 61 52 44 35 27

      Remarks: The application of 20 kg N ha-1 plus biofetriliser is recommended for legumes

      Generated soil fertility maps of state


      (V) Centre of Advanced Faculty Training (ICAR funded):


      • To impart advanced training to the scientists and academic staff within the National Agricultural Research and Education system in the country to upgrade their skills in the frontier areas of science and technology relevant to their disciplines.

      Training Programmes

      • Since inception of the centre it has organized twenty nine training programmes on various aspects related to scientific basis for enhancing and sustaining productivity of soil resources but only seven compendium and two practical manuals could be prepared and only two were provided to participants on start of the training programmes.

      Achievements of CAFT

      • The Centre for Advance Studies was established in the year 1995.
      • Re-titled as Centre of Advanced Faculty Training during 2010.
      • Out of different 31 CAFTs running in different SAUs and ICAR institutes it is one of them.
      • Twenty nine training programmes have been organized from 1995-96 to 2015-16 and out of that 583 participants have been benefitted belonging to different SAU’s, ICAR institutes and other organizations of different states of  the country.

      Expert evaluation by ICAR :

      ICAR started evaluation of CAFT trainings by ICAR nominated evaluators since 2011-12.

      • Dr. D.K. Benbi, National Professor, PAU Ludhiana during 2011-12
      • Dr. T.K. Adhya, Former Director, CRRI, Cuttack during 2012-13
      • Dr. A K Agnihotri, Senior Associate Scientist, IRRI &  Former Professor Soil Science, GBPUAT, Pantnagar during 2013-14
      • Dr. D.K. Benbi, National Professor, PAU Ludhiana during 2015-16

      Details of Trainings conducted by the Centre of Advanced Studies, Soil Science, JNKVV, Jabalpur

      Year Titles of the Trainings Period No of Participants No of States representing Director
      1995-1996 1. Soil and plant testing for maximizing crop production. (15 days)
      22.01.96  to 05.02.96
      19 7 Dr. V. S. Tomar
      1996-1997 2. Management of soil physical conditions for sustainable agricultural production. (15 days)
      22.07.96 to 05.08.96
      32 13 Dr. V. S. Tomar
      1996-1997 3. Role of micronutrients and microorganisms in sustaining soil productivity (15 days)
      05.02.97 to 19.02.97
      21 6 Dr. B. R. Tembhare
      1998-1999 4. Organic agriculture : an ultimate food production system (15 days)
      08.09.98 to 22.09.98
      27 8 Dr. B. R. Tembhare
      1998-1999 5. Management of problematic soils (15 days)
      23.02.99 to 09.03.99
      25 14 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      1999-2000 6. Integrated plant nutrient management for sustainable crop production. (21 days)
      04.08.99 to 24.08.99
      20 8 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      1999-2000 7. Instrumental methods of analysis in agricultural research (21 days)
      25.2.2000 to 16.3.2000
      18 11 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2000-2001 8. Diagnosis and improvement of problematic soils. (30 days)
      18.9.2000 to 16.9.2000
      20 8 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2000-2001 9. Resource management under intensive cropping system. (30 days)
      14.02.01 to 15.03.01
      19 10 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2001-2002 10 Resource management for sustainable rainfed  cropping system. (30 days)
      21.08.01 to 19.09.01
      17 10 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2001-2002 11. Organic agriculture : a paragon for sustainability (21 days)
      26.03.02 to 15.04.02
      28 12 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2003-2004 12 Management of Micronutrients and Pollutants in Agriculture (21 days)
      11.12.03 to 01.12.03
      14 10 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2003-2004 13 Soil Health & Product Quality under Organic Agriculture. (21 days)
      22.01.04 to 11.02.04
      26 11 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2004-2005 14 Use of Radio Isotopes in Agriculture Research and Development. (21 days)
      22.09.04 to 12.10.04
      14 09 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2005-2006 15 Role of Macro / Micronutrients and Pollutants in Management of Soil Health and Sustaining Agricultural Production (21 days)
      24.11.05 to 04.12..05
      24 07 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2005-2006 16 Impact and Contributions of Analytical Procedures for Agricultural Inputs and Products on Soil Health and Sustainability of Agricultural System. (21 days)
      02.02.06 to 02.02.06
      14 04 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2006-2007 17 Agricultural Resource Management for Eco-Friendly Environment, Sustainable Production System and Better Soil Health (21 days)
      26.12.06 to 05.01..07
      11 04 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2006-2007 18 Agricultural Inputs and Product Quality Estimates for Sustainable and Profitable Agriculture. (21 days)
      20.02.07 to 02.03..07
      13 06 Dr. D. L. Kauraw
      2007-2008 19 Resources Management under Intensive Cropping System (21 days)
      06.02.08 to 06.02.08
      16 06 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2007-2008 20 Soil, Plant and Water Testing for Efficient Use of Input Resources for an Eco-friendly Production System (21 days)
      04.03.08 to 04.03.08
      13 05 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2008-2009 21 Impact of Resource Management on Soil Productivity, Sustainability and Soil Health (21 days)
      11.12.08 to 31.12.08
      16 03 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2008-2009 22 Soil, Plant and Water Quality Management for an Eco-Friendly Agricultural Production System (21 days)
      09.02.09 to 01.03.09
      24 04 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2009-2010 23 Resource Management for Sustaining Crop Production & Soil Health                                                 (21 days)
      03.03.10 to 23.03.10
      19 04 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2010-2011 24     Integrated plant nutrient management to sustain soil fertility and health for higher crop production (21 days)
      09.12.10 to 29.12.10
      25 07 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2011-2012 25 Biotic and abiotic resources management for eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture (21 days)
      03.10.11 to 23.10.11
      23 08 Dr. A. K. Rawat
      2012-2013 26 Advances in Agro-technologies for Improving Soil, Plant & Atmosphere Systems (21 days) 11.10.12 to 31.10.12 18 08 Dr. A. K. Rawat
      2013-2014 27 Agro-ecological approaches towards sustainable agricultural production (21 days) 01.10.13 to 21.10.13 19 08 Dr. R. S. Khamparia
      2014-2015 28 Management of Soil Health: Challenges and Opportunities (21 days)
      29.09.14 to 19.10.14
      25 12 Dr. A.K. Rawat
      2015-2016 29 Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture (21 days) 14.10.15 to 03.11.15 23 09 Dr. A.K. Rawat
        Total 583    

      CAFT Photo Gallery

      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : May 30 to Jun. 18, 1994
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Jan. 22 to Feb. 06, 1996
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Mar. 26 to Apr. 15, 2002
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Dec. 11 to 31, 2008
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Feb. 09 to Mar. 01, 2009
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Dec. 09 to 29, 2010
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Oct. 03 to 23, 2011
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : Oct. 11 to 31, 2012
      Centre for Advance Faculty Training : October 14th to November 3rd , 2015

      Glimpses of the Training Programme

      View of participants during introductory session
      View of participants during soil profile study
      View of participants during soil infiltration study
      View of participants during practical classes
      Working on Gamma Radiation Chamber
      Visit of participants to Directorate of Weed Science Research
      Visit to aromatic and medicinal garden
      View of participants during visit to commercial production of biofertilizers unit
      Visit of the participants to Hi Tech Horticulture Unit
      Release of CAFT Compendium, Laboratory Manual and Departmental Profile during
      valedictory function

      View of participants during practical classes
      Soil Infiltration Study
      View of participants during practical classes
      Soil Moisture Determination
      Study of Soil Profile (Vertisols)
      Micronutrients Estimation Study
      Determination of Soil Microbial Biomass C & N
      Phosphorous Estimation Study
      Identification and Use of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

      View of guest speakers delivered lecture to CAFT Participants

      Dr. H.H. Kushwaha, Professor (Soil Science),
      Dr. A.P. Singh, Professor (Soil Science),
      Dr. Surendra Singh, Professor
      (Soil Science), Vanarasi
      Dr. A.E. Noriharu, Professor, Rakuno Gakuen
      University, Japan

      View of participants during Directorate of Weed Science Research visit

      Discussion of CAFT Director and DWSR Scientist with participants

      Lectures delivered by DWSR Scientists

      Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, DWSR,
      Dr. (Mrs.) Shobha Sondhia, Sr. Scientist, DWSR, Jabalpur
      Dr. C. Kannan, Sr. Scientist (Plant Pathology),
      DWSR, Jabalpur
      Dr. Meenal Rathore, Scientist, DWSR,

      View of participants and DWSR Scientists during DWSR visit


      View of participants during CAFT Training examination

      Presence of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. V.S. Tomar as chief guest during
      Valedictory function
      CAFT director presenting the training report during valedictory function

      Release of CAFT Compendium and Laboratory Manual by Prof. V.S. Tomar, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor during valedictory function

      Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. V.S. Tomar distributing the certificates to best participants during valedictory function

      Dr. Bishwajit Sinha
      Assistant Professor College
      of Agriculture (OUAT),
      Bhawanipatna, Odisha
      Dr. R.P. Joshi
      Associate Professor
      College of Agriculture,
      JNKVV, Rewa
      Dr. U. Bagavathi Ammal
      Associate Professor
      Karaikal (Puducherry)
      Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. V.S. Tomar
      &Dr. S.S. Tomar, DRS distributing the
      participation certificates to the participants
      during valedictory function
      CAFT participant share their view
      about 21 days training
      Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. V.S. Tomar
      addressing the participants

      Glimpses of the Training Programme

      View of participants during introductory session
      View of participants during soil profile study
      Study of Soil Profile (Vertisols)
      View of participants during practical classes
      Determination of Soil Microbial Biomass C & N
      Working on Gamma Radiation Chamber
      Visit of participants to Microbes Research & Production Centre
      Visit of participants to Bio Gas Plant Pariyat
      Visit of participants to Vermi Compost
      Identification and Use of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
      Visit of participants to Directorate of Weed Science Research
      View of guest speakers delivered lecture to CAFT Participants
      Dr. D.K. Benbi,
      ICAR National Professor,
      PAU, Ludhiana
      Dr. Pradeep Dey
      Project Coordinator,
      LTFE, Bhopal
      Release of CAFT Compendium, Laboratory Manual and Departmental Profile during
      valedictory function

      Distributing the certificates to best participants during valedictory function

      Dr. Nintu Mandal
      Assistant Professor
      Department of Soil
      Science & Agricultural
      Chemistry, BAU, Sabour,
      Bhagalpur (BR)
      Dr. Adesh Singh
      Assistant Professor,
      Department of Agronomy,
      SVPUA&T, Meerut (UP)
      Dr. Amit Kumar Upadhyay,
      Scientist, Department of Soil
      Science & Agricultural Chemistry,
      JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP)