(i) On Going Research Project
1 |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Plant Parasitic Nematodes with integrated
approach for their control.. |
1980- Continue |
Dr. S.P. Tiwari and Dr. J. Bhatt |
2 |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Betelvine. |
1981- Continue |
Dr.(Smt) Vibha and Dr. C.S. Pandey |
3. |
Establishment of Post Entry Quarantine Laboratory at JNKVV |
2015 |
Prof. & Head |
Research Schemes/Project Operated
Sponsored by
Schemes on
Scheme In charge
Govt. of M.P.
Studies on wilt disease of Coriander in Madhya Bharat
Dr. L.K. Joshi
Scheme for evolving control measures for Bacterial Wilt of solanaceous crops
Dr. A.C. Jain
Dr. R.L. Keshwal
Studies on disease of ginger & their control
Dr. L.K.Joshi
Dr. M.P.Haware
Dr. N.D.Sharma
Lentil wilt scheme
Dr. M.N. Khare
Studies on the effect of herbicides on soil borne plant pathogens
Dr. S.C. Vyas
Studies on persistence of fungicides on important crops.
Dr. S.C. Vyas
All India Coordinated Research Project on Plant Parasitic Nematodes with integrated
approach for their control..
1980- Continue
Dr. G.S. Dave
Dr. B.N. Shukla
Dr. B.S. Pall
All India Coordinated Research Project on Betelvine.
1981- Continue
Dr. M.L. Nayak
Dr. R.K. Chaurasia
Study on survey and control of post harvest disease of Banana.
Dr. R.L. Keshwal
Scheme to evolve control measures for diseases of Betelvine in Madhya Pradesh
Dr. M.L. Nayak
Epidemiology of anthracnose of Blackgram and its control
Dr. (Smt.) Om Gupta
Biological control of root rot of soybean
Dr. M.N. Khare
Dr. H.K. Jharia
Virus disease of Soybean in M.P. and their elimination
Dr. R.L. Keshwal
Alternaria blight on chickpea
Dr. P.K. Bhargava
Problem of Mycotoxin in Soybean
Dr. L.S. Kushwah
Studies on Powdery Mildew Diseases
Dr. N.D. Sharma
Studies on facrors affecting reproduction inPhytopthoraspp.
1994- 98
Ku. S. Nema
Technology developed, production and demonstration of biological pest control agents
under IPM
Dr. S.M. Vaishampayan
Dr. N.D. Sharma
Dr. U.K. Khare
Dr. Abhishek Shukla
Assessment of Technology by local agricultural wastes for cultivation of edible
fungi in Baiga Tribal Belt of Madhya Pradesh
1994- 99
Dr. N.D. Sharma
Epidemiology and management of Soybean rust
Dr. B.N. Shukla
Dr, P.K. Bhargava
Studies on root lesion Nematode,Pratylenchus thornei
Dr. S.P. Tiwari
Dr. (Mrs.) Indira Vadhera
Network Project on studies of Reniform Nematode,Rotylenchulus reniformis
Dr. (Mrs.) Indira Vadhera
Dr. S.P. Tiwari
Development of resistant lines of Onion against purple blotch
Dr. U.K. Khare
M.P. State Agr. Mkt. Bor. BPL
Establishment of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Research and testing Laboratory at JNKVV
Prof. & Head,
Pl. Path.
(iii) Research Achievments
A schedule for the management of three rusts of wheat has been developed. Three
to four sprays of Zineb (Dithane Z-78 @ 0.25 per cent) now replaced by more effective
Dithane M-45 (@ 0.25 per cent) at an interval of ten days from the time of initial
outbreak of disease has proved to be effective in reducing the rust incidence. Bayleton
(@0.25 per cent), a systemic fungicide, was effective in reducing the disease intensity
of black and brown rust from 13 to 100 per cent.
Zinc sulphate (50 kg/ha) alongwith normal dose of NPK (120:60:40) as basal application
reduced incidence of the rusts and black point diseases in wheat.
Ear-cockle (Angunia tritici) appeared in epiphytotic form at a village
Paloi, district, Panna during 1998. It was eradicated by the replacement of seed
Occurrence wise important diseases of chickpea are wilt (Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. ciceri), collar rot {Sclerotium rolfsii) and dry root rot
(Rhizoctonia bataticola). Since these diseases are mainly soil borne in
nature, emphasis was given to manage them through host resistance, cultural practices,
biocontrol agents and seed treatment.
Integrated disease management
Genotypes viz., JG 315, JG 74, JG 322, JG 11, JG 130, JG 16, JAKI 9218, JG 63, JG
K1, JGK 2 ,JG 12, JG 14 possessing resistance to wilt have been released. Varieties
JG 11, JG 130, JG 63, JG 2003-14-16, JG 89-11551, JG 89-9032 are tolerant to dry
root rot also while JG 16 has tolerance to Collar rot Stunt and Botrytis grey mold
. JG 12 and JG 24 are recommended as doner parent for wilt at National level.
The wilt disease was checked by seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride,
Bacillus subtilis or Pseudomonas fluorescence or Viride+ Carboxin @ 4:1
g/kg seed. on less susceptible variety.
Intercropping of chickpea + linseed (4:1 row ratio) could reduce the chickpea wilt
significantly with increase in chickpea yield. Sowing dates have been found to greatly
influence chickpea wilt and collar rot incidence. Accordingly, it is recommended
to sow the crop after first week of November. Deep ploughing in
summer, using resistant variety, seed treatment with benomy1 + thiram (1:3) @ 3kg/kg
seed or carbendazim @ 2g/kg seed and sowing chickpea in last week of October or
first week of November reduces the wilt incidence.
Fusarium isolates were characterized and found 5 races i.e. 2,4,5 and 2 more new
in the state .
Wilt (Fusarium udum) is the major disease problem of pigeonpea while Phytophthora
blight {Phytophthora drechsleri f. sp. cajani) occurs in pockets
where rainfall is high and field drainage is poor. Stem cankers caused by Phoma
cajani, Macrophomina phaseolina and Xanthomonas cajani occur commonly
but do not cause much damage to the crop.
Integrated Disease Management:
Host resistance identified in cent percent wilt sick field, studies conducted on
influence of fungicidal seed treatment and soil amendment on the development of
Fusarium udum propagules in soil and wilt incidence concluded the treatment
of seeds with Benlate +Thiram (1:3) and amending the soil with crop residues of
oats is an effective method for the management of pigeonpea wilt.
Phytophthora Blight
The disease occur in all the pigeonpea growing areas of M.P. causing considerable
losses especially in poorly drained fields. Genotypes KPBR 80-2-1, KPBR 80-2-2.
ICP 9252, KPBE 80-3, KPBR 80-1, T-7, AGS 522, ICPL 161, ICPL 8863, PR 5149 Selection.
P.I. 397430 Sel., ICP 7065 and ICP 7250 were found resistant to disease in the sick
plot over the years.
The disease can be managed by integrated methods ridge sowing + seed treatment with
Apron 4g/kg + soybean as cover crop + tolerant pigeonpea variety
The resistance was found in genotypes KM-34 against Heterodera cajani, Meloidogyne
incognita and Meloidogyne javanica KM-9, KM-29 and KM-61 to Meloidogyne incognita
and Meloidogyne javanica, Nematodes have not been proved as a constraint
in low yields of pigeonpea. Pigeonpea genotypes developed at the Research Station
in ICAR Pulse Project was identified as resistant to KM-34 to H. cajani, M.incognita
and M. javanica while KM-9, KM-29 and KM-61 were resistant to M.incognita
w AM.javanica
The important diseases of lentil are wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis),
collar rot (Sclerotium rolfsii) and rust (Uromyces fabae)
may become serious if winter rains occur in January -February. Major work was done
under PL 480 scheme on 'Lentil wilt' and has been reviewed by Agrawal and Prasad
(1997). Since good resistance source to wilt and collar rot in bold seeded lentil
are rare. Efforts were made to findout other methods of control.
The disease can be reduced by seed treatment with thiram + carbendazim (1:1) @ 2.5
w/w and application of phosphatic fertilizer,
Mung and Urdbean
The major problems of these crops are foliar diseases especially powdery mildew
(Erysiphe pisi), anthracnose (Colletolrichm dematium), leaf blight
(Macrophomina phaseolina) and leaf spots (Cercospora sp., Protomycopsis
sp). These pathogens are seed borne.
Continuous cropping of urdbean in a field showed increased intensity of leaf blight,
seed treatment with carbendazim (1 g/kg) reduced seed and seedling mortality, leaf
blight phase of the disease and increased yield significantly.
Research work on soybean pathology was initiated at Jabalpur when the crop was introduced
in 1966-67.More than 25 pathogens/diseases have been reported to occur in soybean
in M.P. but only ten, viz., Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii, Macrophomina
phaseolina, Myrothecium roridum, Xanithomonas axonopodis pv. glycines, Phoma
sp., Colletotrichum truncatum, Alternaria spp, bud blight like
syndrome and yellow mosaic are of major importance.
A number of pathogens attack the emerging seedlings like Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia
solani and R. bataticola causing heavy losses.
Seed treatment with thiram + carbendazim (2:1) @ 0.3per cent and reduced these diseases,
improved the emergence by 25 per cent and yields by 2-3 q/ha.
Besides resistant genotypes two sprays of streptocycline (@ 0.02per cent) + Copper
oxychloride 50 WP (@ 0.2 per cent) were effective in reducing bacterial pustul disease.
Two sprays of hexaconazole 5 EC or propiconazole 25 EC or triadimefan 25 WP @ 0.1
per cent reduced the rust severity by 35 per cent. Varities JS 80-21, Indira soy
9, PK 1024, PK 1162 were moderately resistant to rust.
Rapeseed - Mustard
White rust, Alternaria blight and Sclerotinia
stem rot are the major diseases of rapeseed mustard.
Two new races of Albugo candida, race 12 from
Brassica juncea and race 13 from B. rapa
var. toria were identified.
The effect of temperature on viability of zoosporangia of Indian isolate
of A. candida from B. juncea revealed
that they remained viable up to four days at 20°C and for 2 days at 25°C
while Canadian isolate (race-2) remained viable only for 3 days at 20"C
A number of rust resistant lines, such as JMMWR 93-37, 93-38, 93-39, 941-l-2and
JYM-1 were developed, out of which JMMWR 93-39 was notified as Jawahar mustard-1.
The resistant cultivar exhibited higher amount of potassium content ranged from
3.15 to 3.52 mg/g tissue than susceptible one (2.86 to 3.11). Similarly, there was
significant decrease in sodium and potassium content after disease development.
The disease increased with high humidity (for 96 hrs), closer spacing (5 cm), and
delayed sowing (5th August).
Commercial crop
Mainly smut was observed, which appeared from first week of May - June and
no fresh infection occurred during July to August and again noticed during September
to November.
Set treatment with carbendazim or mancozeb or moist hot air treatment of sets at
54°C for 4 hrs. were effective in checking the set-borne infection of smut enhancing
the germination Planting of crop in November and December had minimum smut incidence
Fusirum moniliforme and F. oxysporum were associated with diseased plants. The incidence
of this disease varied from 9-20per cent in planting and 13-35per cent in ratoon
For management of stem necrosis early planting (October) and three sprays of monocrotophos
40 EC @ 1 ml/lit. at an interval of 15 days are recommended. Early blight of potato
can be successfully controlled with prophylactic spray of dithane M-45 @ 2 kg/ha.
Black scurf disease of potato can be controlled by seed treatment with bavistin
(0.2 % ) dipping seed for 30 min in fungicidal suspension.
Haulm cutting in the first week of January gave control of early blight, late blight,
leaf curl, mosaic and stem necrosis of potato.
‘Ginger yellows’ apparently perpetuated through infected rhizomes and
temperature ranging between 23-290C accompanied with 95 per cent RH. The disease
is managed by treating the seed rhizome with benlate (0.25per cent) or dithane M-45
(0.3per cent) solution for 1.5 to 2 hours followed by two drenching at an interval
of 20-25 days @ 6 litres/m2 with the same concentration by either o the above fungicides.
Medicinal crops
Aswgandh (Withania somnifera)
Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum + Carbandazim or Trichoderma viride alone
significantly reduced the seed and seedling mortality caused due to soil borne fungi.
Alternaria leaf blight of Asgandh is effectively controlled by spray of Mancozeb
@ 2.5g/L or Cumin L @ 3 ml/L.
Isabgol (Plantago ovate)
One spray of metalaxyl 72 MZ @ 0.2per cent + two spray of Dithane M-45
@ 0.3per cent were most effective in reducing the disease incidence (18per cent
) as against 38.23per cent in control and increasing seed yield 8.75 q/ha..
Seed treatment with T. viride + 35 WS and soil application with
T. viride done after 20 days of germination significantly reduced
the per cent root rot and seedling mortality.
Purple blotch of garlic was effectively controlled by Rovrol. (0.3%).
Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum @ 10 g/ml. + Bavistin @ 0.1per
cent and Trichoderma viride alone significantly produced higher yield.
Basic Research
New Fungi
Record of new genera and species:
Fungi Pycnothera Pseudopapulaspora, Pycnidioarxiella E. Punithalingam and
Carmichaelia. were new record in the state Phaeothchosphacria indica
formed the basis of fifth genera Phaeotrichosphaeha. These genera have
been documented in the "Dictionary of Fungi", 8th ed. published by the
It is interesting to note that the second species of the 5 Monotypic genera (earlier
only one species known in the world) viz., Murogenella, Clypeopycnis, Oramasia.
Thaxlcriullopsis and Macalpinomyces have been identified
in collaboration with International Institute,Asbolisia. Catenulaster, Pirostoma,
Arnaudiella and Polychaeton were the new records to the Indian
Peninsula. Considering geographical distribution of fungi inthe
world, more than 50 species have been recorded for the first time in this peninsula.
Identification of new hosts
Nine host species were identified as host favoring fungus Phytopthora crops of pulses,
oilseed, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants, fruits, ornamentals and avenue
trees were enlisted against. Phytophthora boehmeriae (Capsicum annuum); P. capsici
(Piper betle, Piper longum, Ailanthus excelsa, Kalanchoe mortagei, Solarium melongena,
Citrullus vulgaris, var fistulosus, Coccinia indica, Lagenaria siceraria, Luffa
acutangula, Luffa cylindrica, Abelmoschus esculentus); P. cinnamomi, (Trichosanlhes
dioica); P. citrophthora (Capsicum annuum. Tabernaemoniana coronaria, Murraya exotica);
P. cyperi rptandati (Cyperus rotundas); P. infestans (Withania
somnifera); P. nicotianae var. nicotianae (Abelmoschus moschatus. Capsium annuum
var. grossum, Capsicum annuum, P.nicotianae var. parasitica (Citrus medica, Bougainvillea
spectabllis, Psidium guajava, Punica granatum, Dolichos lablab, Phaseolus vulgaris,
Lycopersicon esculentum, Catharanthus roseus, Carica papaya. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis,
Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus religiosa); P. palmivora, (Punica granatum); and P. vignae
(Vigna unguicidala) are documented and published.
New Fungal Disease
Year |
Crop |
Diseases |
Organisms |
1973 |
Rice |
Glum blotch |
Pithomyces charlarum |
1973 |
Bean |
Leaf" spot |
Septoria leguminum |
1974 |
Citais |
Leaf spot |
Bartalinia robillardoides |
1974 |
Groundnut |
Leaf spot |
Phomopsis sp. |
1975 |
Gram |
Blight |
Colletotrichum dematium |
1975 |
Carissa |
Leaf sopt |
Bartalinia robillardoides |
1976 |
Ginger |
Red dry rot |
Neclria inventa (conidial stage) |
Grey rot |
Trichurus spiralis |
Black rot |
Memnoniella echinata |
1976 |
Kapok |
Die-balck |
Colletotrichum gloeosporoides |
1976 |
Khirni |
Red spot |
Cephaleuros parasiticu (Algae) |
1996 |
Eucalyptus |
Leaf Spot |
Alternaria Pleospora infectoria
1977 |
Pigeonpea Leaf spot |
Leaf spot |
Cercospora thirumalachari
1978 |
Peanut |
Blight |
Cylindrocladium scoparium
1978 |
Pomegranate |
Fruit rot |
Coniella noviae-zealandiae |
1978 |
Lentil |
Leaf spot |
Cercospora lensii |
1979 |
Kapok |
Leaf spot/blight |
Coryenspora cassiicola |
1981 |
Falsa |
Rust |
Phakopsora grewiae
Powdery mildew |
Acrosporium grewiae
1987 |
Little millet |
Smut |
Macalpinomyces sharmae Vanky
Tilletia narasimhanii |
1992 |
Soybean |
Diffuse Yellowing |
Aristastoma guttulosum
1993 |
Chilli |
Fruit rot, blight |
Phytopthora boehmeriae
1971 |
Black gram |
Leaf spot |
Sclerotium rolfsii
1973 |
Gram |
Powdery Mildew |
Leveillula taurica
1974 |
Maize |
Cob rot |
Rhizoctonia solani
1984 |
Lathyrus |
Cercospora blight |
Cercospora pisi sativae f sp. Lathyri-sativae |
1971 |
Black gram |
Leaf rot |
Sclerotium rolfsii
1970 |
Mesta |
Leaf |
Sclerotium rolfsii |
1972 |
Sunflower |
Rhizopus rot |
Rhizopus sp. |
1980 |
Pigeonpea |
Cuscuta |
Cuscuta |
1985 |
Chickpea |
Ascochyta blight |
Ascochyta- rabiei |
1993 |
Chickpea |
Foot rot |
Operculala padwickii |
1995 |
Chickpea |
Botrytis grey mould |
Botrytis cinerea |
1999 |
Chickpea |
Sclerotinia stem rot |
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum |
New Techniques developed
- Isolation and purification of Phytophthora spp. from fungal contaminants
with propioconazole (0.05%) was effective in inhibiting the growth of several common
fungal contaminants.
- Isolation of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae: developed technique for extraction
of VAM spores
- A seed infestation method is developed to test the virulence of seed isolate of
Curvularia lunata. by rolling over the fungal culture.
- A modified Deep freezing blotter method is developed for the detection of
Curvularia lunata caused seed rot seedling decay and head mold of sorghum.
- Modified method developed with blotter soaked in sterilized water (initial pH adjusted
at 8.0) has been found superior for the detection of Fusarium moniliforme
associated with greengram.
- Injection infiltration method is developed. To test the virulence of
Xanthomonas campestris pv.betlicola, the causal organism
of leaf spot, blight and stem canker of betelvine,
- For dry green preservation of betelvine leaves against fungal and bacterial leaf
spots, a method involving copper acetate is developed.
- Deep freezing blotter method is modified and developed where the blotters are dipped
in streptopenicillin (200 ppm) solution. After plating and incubating of the soybean
seeds, detection of Colletotrichum dematium becomes easy.
The antibiotics inhibit the Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria usually developed
in the plate.
- Developed a modified root dip blotter paper technique for screening bacterial
antagonist (Bacillus subtilus) against Rhizoctonia bataticola
causing dry root rot of chickpea
- Developed techniques for screening chickpea genotypes against collar rot
- Standardized the production technology of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
under the climate conditions of Madhya Pradesh.
- Use of earthen trays followed by wooden trays enhances the fruiting period of button
mushroom up to the month of March.
- Standardized low cost production technology of Oyster Mushroom (Plerotus spp.)
- Wheat grain serve as most suitable media for commercial spawn production.