Digital India
Directorate of Farms

Dr. Anita Babbar

Director Farms
Ph.: 0761-2681021 (O)
0761-2680771, 2681773
Fax: 0761-2681021
Mobile: 9893278445


The importance of good seed was realized by the Indian farmers right from the inception of agriculture developmental programmes in the country. Report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture led to improvement in research and the evolution of new varieties, but the progress in seed multiplication could not keep pace with the quality seed demands. Investment on plant breeding research would be of little value for the farmers unless he gets seeds which are genetically pure and posses desirable qualities like high germinability, physical purity, vigor, seed health etc. Seeds of assured quality respond to fertilizers and other inputs. In the process of seed production, attention must be given to maintain the genetic purity and other qualities to exploit the full yield potential.
The crop varieties are being grown under different environmental influences with regard to ecological conditions. In an organized seed production programme, it is essential to maintain genetic purity of seed stock in large scale multiplications and to ensure conformity to the original types. The maintenance of population in an organized and systematic way is a big task, as it has to retain the relationship of nucleus seed with that originally developed by plant breeder and the certified seed marketed to the farmers. Genotype x environment interaction may also affect the maintenance of genetic purity of a variety. Natural selection and management practices may also affect the genetic purity when the variety is grown in the environment for which it has not been developed. Changing environment also have major effect on population behavior and they have important consequences on varietal maintenance.
Seed is one of the basic and vital input of any plant production activity. The importance of seed as the carrier of critical characteristics of crop production has been recognized from the early days of agriculture. Hence, it is necessary to launch a special drive to orient and strengthen the on going seed developmental programmes to increase the availability of quality seed of improved varieties to the farmers, so that there can be an enhancement in crop production as well as in the standard of living of farming communities.


  • To produce adequate quantity of quality seed for enhancing productivity and profitability of crops in a sustainable manner.


  • To maintain the improved crop varieties.
  • To make available the adequate quantity of nucleus and breeder seeds as per the National and State requirements.
  • To produce and market Jawahar Seeds and planting material.
  • To increase the availability of quality seed to farmers.

Genesis and Growth

Looking to the necessity and importance of quality seed and planting materials JNKVV established Directorate of Farms during the year 1987 headed by Director, to utilize the on-farm resources to produce quality planting material of improved varieties developed at JNKVV as well as of the recommended National varieties suitable for Madhya Pradesh. This directorate is responsible for farm planning, production, marketing and quality assurance of seeds/saplings through effective coordination of State/National seed developmental agencies and by developing organizational-operational frame work with dedicated team of plant breeders, Seed technologists, Seed production experts, agronomists and Administrative Officer (Farms) and other associated staff of Directorate. The programmes are very well organized to meet the expectations of Seed Industry in the country through a well knit and action oriented network and infrastructure.
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya is the premier Institution for seed production and distribution in the country. It caters around one third of breeder seed requirement of the nation. Its customers include National and State Seed Corporations, State Farms Corporation of India, State Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture & Farm Forestry and Animal Husbandry, State Agriculture Cooperatives, KRIBHCO, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, National Dairy Development Board, Bharat Krishak Samaj, National and multi-national seed companies, progressive farmers, Oil Federations and several organizations directly/indirectly involved in seed production activities. This university has developed an expertise in production, processing and management of seeds of cereals, pulses, oil seed crops, fodder crops, vegetables, spices, sugarcane, medicinal and aromatic plants within the well conceived frame work of single window system of operation.
The important features of the seed production programme are the maintenance breeding based production and effective internal monitoring system. Diversification of nucleus/breeder seed production programme with a view to meet the growing demand of quality seed and planting material of vegetables, spices, sugarcane, medicinal and aromatic plants have added new dimensions. The seed production programme is reviewed at Vishwa Vidyalaya level during kharif/rabi seasons every year. The University has also initiated need-based training programmes for senior/middle level seed professionals from State Agriculture Universities (SAU), State Department of Agriculture, State Seed Corporations, State Seed Certification Agencies, National and multi national seed companies with a view to up date knowledge on seed technology, seed certification standards and covering all important and relevant aspects of seed production, processing and storage.

Functioning of Single Window System

The execution of system envisages planning, production, monitoring, processing, marketing and supply of seeds to the indenters from a single window. It is being operated through a Director Farms of the University. This system has been effective for the successful implementation of seed production programme. The Nodal centre for this programme is under operation at Jabalpur with three satellite centers namely Rewa, Tikamgarh and Powarkheda located at various zonal agricultural research stations Infrastructure facilities available:

  • Land 1641 ha.
  • Farm Machinery: 37 Tractors with matching implements
  • Three combine harvesters
  • Irrigation system: 49 tube wells with HDPE pipelines & sprinklers
  • Seed processing facility: 18 seed graders
  • Seed storage facilities
  • Conditioned storage facilities

ICAR Revolving Fund

S. No. Title of R/F Name of P.I. Starting year of R/F Amount (Rs. in Lac) Duration (Year)
1 Vegetable Seed Production ZARS, Chhindwara 1-4-98 4.10 5
2 Commercial Production of Bio- fertilizer Department of Soil Science 1-8-99 12.00 5
3 Manufacturing of Improved Machinery for crop production Agricultural Engineering College, Jabalpur 1-9-99 7.50 10
4 Multiplication & Sale of Genuine planting material of Horticulture Crops College of Agriculture Rewa 1-11-2000 7.36 7
5 Mega Seed Project Directorate of Farms, Jabalpur 26-10-2006 65.00 -
6 Seed Production of Pulses (NSFM) - 23-9-2008 10.00 -
7 Rice Fallow Chickpea Village Level Seed System - - 8.40 -

Financial assistance has been made available from ICAR under National Seed Project since the year 1983. The project has also been strengthened in terms of infrastructure and man power in the year 1993. The project has developed the large operational system which utilizes the internal scientific/technical resources of the university to produce high quality breeder seed. The system is strongly supported by maintenance breeding programme.
The main sources of funding are:

  • Field Crops-ICAR
  • Soybean & Groundnut-GOI–ICAR
  • National Food Security Mission on pulse seed production
  • Promotion of hybrid technologies of field crops under RKVY
  • Promotion of hybrid technologies of vegetable crops under RKVY
  • Seed Production of Agricultural Crops –ICAR
  • Vegetable ICAR
  • Spices- GOI NHM
  • Medicinal & Aromatics-GOI
  • Rice fallow chickpea seed system
  • Water Management Project
  • Modal Seed System
  • Seed Village Scheme MOA-GOI

Seed Production System

Crop improvement:

A dynamic seed sector can be developed with continuous release of improved varieties and hybrids from crop research programmes. To ensure the crop research programmes, strong support is provided from the state so that better varieties and hybrids can be developed. Hence, due to continuous efforts every year a large number of varieties are released at state as well as at national level.

Maintenance breeding centres:

The maintenance breeding is one of the important activities of seed production programme of this Vishwa Vidyalaya. The programme involves a dedicated team of crop breeders located at various research stations.

Seed production programme:

Jawahar seed is being produced from breeder seed in the area after the coverage of nucleus/breeder seed by following the seed multiplication chain

Seed extension activities:

The surplus breeder/Jawahar seed of improved varieties of various crops is being made available to the farmers to create seed demands.

Seed distribution mechanisms:

The breeder seed produced is being supplied against the indents. The surplus breeder seed is being made available to indenters on first cum first served basis. Jawahar seed is being supplied directly to the farmers through seed counters of the university at a reasonable price.


Seed production programmes of all the crops are being planned on the basis of national, state, private seed sector members of BPD unit indents, seed market intelligence reports and also based on previous year sales and demands. The total indent of all sectors put together is being planned on the basis of suitability of a particular variety to different agro-climatic zones. The entire production programme is being developed with the consent of officer-in-charge of farms and controlling officer at zonal level every year. The change in the approved programme is permissible subject to the approval of Director Farms.

Size of seed production programme

1 FIELD CROPS 23 178 2.  15 33 3.  12 29 4.  5 15 5. 9 25 6.  15 40  79 321 23 178
3 SPICES 12 29
TOTAL 79 321

List of Varieties in Seed Production Chain

(a) Field crops:
Crop Varieties
Soybean (5) JS-90-41, JS-93-05, JS-95-60, JS-335, JS-97-52
Maize (7) A. Tall(F), CM-3, JM-8, JM-12, JM-13, J-POP-1, J Sweet-9
Black gram (10) JU-3, PDU-1, LBG-20, TAU-1, PU-19, PU-30, PU-35, JU-86, T-9, TU-98-14
Green gram(11) JM-721, TARM-2,LGG-460, K-851, TM-98-50, HUM-1, Pusa Vishal, PDM-11, PDM-54, PDM-139, Ganga-8
Kodo(6) JK-41, JK-48, KDPS-439, JK-106, JK-155, JK-13
Kutki(2)  JK-8, JK-36
Rice-Early (5) JR-201, Birsa Dhan 109, Dhanteswari, Sahabhagi, Indira Barani-1 Medium
early(3) Mahamaya, MTU 1010, MTU 1081
Medium (8) Kranti, IR-36, IR-64, HMT, WG 32100, WGL 3828, M-219, JR-503
Basmati(4) Pusa sugandha 1460, Pusa sugandha 3, Pusa sugandha 4, Pusa sugandha 5
Sesame (7) JT-21, JT-22,JT-55,TKG-8, TKG-306, PKDS 11,PKDS 12
Niger (3) JNC-1,JNC-6, JNC-9
Castor(2) JC-1, JC-2
Barley (2) JB-1, JB-58
Pigeonpea (8) KMT-7, MA-3, JA-4, ICPL-87, ICPL-87-119, TJT-501, TT-401, ICPL-88039 G
Nut (2) TG-37 , TAG-24
Wheat (Rain Fed) (2) C-306 Sujata
Semi Irrigated (4) JW-3211. JW-3020. JW-3173, JW-17
Irrigated (10) GW-322, GW-273, GW-366, WH-147, JW-1106(D), JW-3288, JW-1215(D), HI 8498, HI-1544, WH-147
Late Soon (3) HD-2864, HD-2932, JW-3269
Terminals heat tolerance (5) JW-1142, JW-1202, JW-1203, JW-1201, HD 2864
Chickpea (Desi) (13) JG-11, JG-14, JG-16, JG-63, JG-74, JG-130, JG-315, JG-322, JG-12, JAKI-92-18 Vijay, Vishal
Gulabi (1) JGG-1
Kabuli (4) JGK-1, JGK-2, JGK-3
Peas (5) JGK-4, JP-885, JM-6,Pusa panna, Vikas, Prakash
Berseem (2) JB-1, JB-5
Oat (4) Kent, JO-1, JO-2, JO-67
Linseed (8) JLS-9, JLS-23-10, JT-27, JLT-26, JLS-66, JLS-67, JL 41, JL-21
Lentil (2) JL-1, JL-3
Mustard (6) Pusa Bold, Terri Uttam, Pusa Jaikisan, Pusa Manik, Pusa Tarak, Pusa Agrani
Toria (1) JT-1
Sugarcane (8) COC-671, CO-6507, CO-7318, CO-6304, CoJN 86-141, CO-86032, CoJ 64, CoJ 527
(b)Field crops:
Crop Hybrids Paddy (7)  JRH-4, JRH-5, JRH-8, JRH-15, JRH-17, JRH-21, JRH-25
Pigeonpea (2) ICPH-2671, ICPH-1050
Castor (2) JCH-1, JCH-2
Maize (4) JMH-1, JMH-2, HQM-1, HQM-5
(c) Horticultural crops:
Pea (5) Arkel, AP-3, PSM-3, PSM-4, G-10
Cowpea (1) CP-4
Brinjal (3)  Pant Samrat, Pant Ritu Raj, JB-64
Sweet Potato (2) JLB-145, JLB- 114
Okra (4) Parbhani Kranti, Arka Anamika, VRO-6
Frenchbean (2) Arka Komal and Contender
Spinach (2) All Green, Jobnergreen
Raddish (2) Japanese White,Pusa Rashmi
Tomato (4) H-86, SL-190, ACC-99, Pusa ruby, Dolichus
Bean (2) J. SEM-53, J. SEM-79
Colcocasia(1) GC-1
Bottle Gourd (1) Pusa naveen
Sponge Gourd (1) Pusa Chikni
Cucumber (1) Japanee long, Pusa Sanyog
Amaranths (1) Kooisur
(b) Hybrids- Bottle gourd, Tomato, Brinjal Chilies, Okra
(ii) Spices:
Chillies (2) JM-218, JM-283
Fenugreek (4) PEB, RMT-1, Plume-55, Kasoori
Turmeric (4) Rasmi, Suroma, Roma
Sonali Ginger (1) Suprabha
Coriander (6) Simpo S-33, JD-1, RCR 41, RCR 437, RG 41, Kumbha Raj
Onion (2) AFDR, AFLR
Fennel (1) Gujrat fennel-1
Aniseed (1) JA-1 Garlic (2) G-282, G-323
Thyme (1) Gujrat Ajwain 1
Ajwain (3) AA-1,AA-2, GA-1 Dill (2) AD-1, AD- 2
(iii)Fruit plants and sapling:
Mango (8) Amrapalli, Langra, Dashehari, Chausa, Sunderja, Mallika, Bambey Green, Safeda
Guava (3) L-49, Sardar, Chittidar
Aonla (3) Banarasi, NH-7, Chakiya
Citrus (1) Kagzi
Pomegranate (1) Ganesh
(iv) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Medicinal (9) Safed Musli, Lemon grass, Ashwagandha, Muskdana, Buch, Sarpgandha, KhurasaniAajwayan, Isabgoal, Aphim etc.
(v) Ornamentals
Ornamentals Different plants

S.No Center Nucleus Breeder Jawahar Seed Seed Counters
1 Jabalpur
2 Rewa
3 Tikamgarh
1 Powarkheda
2 Tikamgarh
3 Chhindwara
4 Rewa
1 Kuthulia
2 Sagar
3 Waraseoni-Dindori
1 Mohgaon
2 Tendani
3 Garhakota
E. KVK Farms
1 Badgaon
2 Harda
3 Katni
4 Betul
5 Mandla
6 Navgaon
7 Shahdol
8 Panna
9 Seoni
10 Umaria
11 Sidhi
12 Damoh
13 Narsinghpur


The financial and physical targets fixed on annual basis is being reviewed in the JNKVV planning meeting in the month of May every year. The corrective measures are being planned for the improvement in the implemented programmes. The mid-term corrective measures are also being taken up in the farm activities as per the advice of local farm advisory committee. The monitoring of seed production programme is being done at five levels viz: (1) by local monitoring teams to provide better crop growing conditions. (2) by representatives of the respective Coordinator/Project Director. (3) by a monitoring team constituted by NSP (crops) and (4) by an Official monitoring team comprised of Crop Breeder/MPSSCA/MP Seeds/NSC/ICAR PD/PC nominee. (5) by monitoring of programmes through senior officers of VV viz: Dean/ DF/ DRS/ DES / Hon. VC.


JNKVV has established Business and Planning Development Unit for commercialization of technologies through entrepreneurships. There seems to be tremendous potential to develop the seed links programmes of public/ private sector. This helps in developing/strengthening research resources and adequate resource income to VV. The BPD Unit of V.V. is taking care of developing linkages with the industry.


To provide leadership role in seed sector at State level aiming at seed quality security and capacity building at National level through partnerships.


Krishinagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur
482004 (M.P.) INDIA
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